𝑳𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖

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Hello guys, guess who's back
I dunno, I was always awake till 2am but I never felt like writing but right now I want to so here another shit chapter
Also I'm basically so in love with this music pls
Update: 1 day has passed and I shall continue writing this chapter



Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


~Y/n P.O.V.~

A few weeks have passed since me and Ibuki started dating. It's been really nice and to be honest... I've been happier since then. We went on a few days and all that kind of stuff. Which makes things more comfortable is that she always knows what to talk about. It leaves out the awkward silences and uncomfortable moments.

Ibuki was staying at my place almost every day. Then and there in between she would go back to home and bring new stuff into my apartment.
As if on cue, Ibuki walked into my room. "Babe, have you seen my underwear? I can't find it." She asked. I blinked once, twice and the third time. "Uh I havent...? Maybe check the area called 'closet'?" I suggested.

"Hmm..." she hummed as she began thinking. "I guess that makes sense!" Is the conclusion she arrived at. She then checked the closet,"Yup its in here."
"Are you gonna take a bath?" I asked as she nodded,"Yups. I'll leave the door unlocked in case you need to use the toilet."
As she said that she gave a quick kiss on the lips and disappeared out of the door.

After a few weeks of dating her, I realised that "I will keep the door unlocked if you need to go to the toilet" actually meant "accompany me while I take a bath". I never took that opportunity yet, although it is quite... hard to overcome the urge and curiosity.
But for this time, I decided to reject that "invite".

I was scrollimg through my phone for the next 20 minutes until Ibuki came out from the shower. She walked over to me,"Was your bath nice?" I asked. She pouted,"How can it be nice if you don't even accept my invite!"
"Uh- you *want* me to see you naked?" I questioned. "Duh! You're my partner right?? Eventually you'll see me naked either way." She said as she tilted her own body to the side.

"I- don't know how to react to that to be honest." I said. "The next time we will take a bath together."
"Wh-" I started as she cut me off. "SHHHH- no 'no's accepted!" She said loudly.
I dont know how to feel about this situation.
"Ugh fine I suppose..." I muttered,  defeated.
"Yay!" She said as she hugged me. I hugged her back and patted her back.

Soom enough she sat down on my lap, enjoying her time. She's really light but nevertheless, I felt my legs dying out either way. Ibuki rested her head onto my shoulder. Being with her... was really enjoyable. Multiple emotions mixed and the world is full of colors. Her jokes then and there were really funny.

"What should we do now?" I asked. "Dunno. I'm hungry though." Ibuki answered. As soon as she did, she got up and went to the kitchen to look into the fridge. After a short while, she came back, flopped onto my lap and sighed.
As soon as she did that, she got up again, went into the kitchen once again, shortly after she came back...again, and flopped onto my lap sighing once more.
"I guess nothing in the fridge seems interesting?" I asked as she nodded.
"I'll fetch you something to eat, dont worry sweetheart." I said as I kissed her cheek.
"Yayyy! You're the best!" She said as she got up and dragged me into the kitchen.

I opened the fridge to look at whatever seems interesting. I checked if we had bread and indeed we had. "Should I make you a toast?" I asked. She nodded as she continued to look at whatever I was doing. I took out some cheese, paprika, butter and bread. I smeered the bread with butter, from the outside though so that the bread doesn't taste so dry. I cut small pieces of paprika and put them inside the bread with the cheese, to give it a different taste than just cheese.
I turned on the toaster and put the bread in and waited till it was all toasted.

While doing that, Ibuki followed my actions closely, leaning her hin on my shoulder. Once I put the bread into the toaster, Ibuki wrapped her arms around my waist.
She started humming as she tilted her head from right to left. I put my arms on her arms and we enjoyed her humming together until the toast was ready.

As soon as the toast finished, I made a big drama of taking the toast out but I somehow managed it either way. It was nicely crispy and Ibuki seemed to really like the toast too.
"Thanks, babe!" She said as she kissed my cheek and continued to feast on her toast.


Wooo finished finally...
Well I am truely proud of this chapter and its kinda going to the kinky side but idk if I should write a smut or not cuz in my Tenko x reader I was too lazy lmao
Well there may be a smut comming in a few chapters but maybe not depends on my motivation
So byeee

Ibuki x Reader [finished]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat