The Holiday Season

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It was a relief when I finally caught sight of Bradley’s car cruising down the street towards me. It was unmistakable of course, even in the dark. I would probably even be able to recognise it by sound alone though at this point.

I jumped up from my perch on the porch steps and made my way down the path towards where he’d just parked up. He hated leaving his car on the road but there were only a couple spaces in the garage at my parents' house and they didn’t have a driveway so he just had to deal with it. I left my car parked on the street all the time with no problem.

‘You took forever!’ I complained as I yanked open the passenger side door and scrambled in before he could so much as turn off the engine. 'What took you so long?' I added, punching him on the arm.

He was perfectly on time as always but I'd been impatiently waiting outside for a while. My butt was numb from sitting down on the steps but I needed some peace and quiet... or maybe just some of his company.

‘I took less time than ever!’ Bradley replied with a doubtful look as he turned the key shutting off the engine. ‘I’m pretty sure I broke even your record! I should have at least a couple speeding tickets... if it weren't for all those broken cameras on the highway.'

‘Well, it felt like forever,’ I grumbled, leaning over the space between our seats and grabbing his chin so I could plant a kiss on his lips. ‘I hate socialising.’

‘No you don't,' he smiled, cupping the back of my head to keep me close as he unbuckled his seatbelt. 'You're just picky with who you hang out with. Not that I'm complaining,' he added, kissing the corner of my mouth. 'So, who's here so far?'

‘Mom and dad obviously,' I sighed, looping my arms around his neck as I thought back to the dreary group of people currently sat in my parents' living room. 'And then a few neighbours who I can’t really stand to be honest. They’re all very boring and talk about how great their kids are all the time,’ I snorted. ‘One even wants to set me up with her son. Who I think is about double my age. Gross.'

‘They sound very normal,’ Bradley commented with a laugh. ‘Except that last lady you mentioned. I already don’t like her.'

‘Me neither. And her potato salad tastes crappy, may I add.'

‘You may,’ Bradley replied, smile widening. ‘Hmm,' he added, loosening my arms slightly to look down at me. 'You look positively... festive...’

‘Mom got me this fugly Christmas sweater,’ I grimaced, looking down at myself too with a scowl. Red and green stripes with a foul white reindeer pattern down the front. I did enjoy an ugly sweater but this one was just excessive. And also a little itchy. ‘She has one for you too so you won’t be left out.’

‘Do I have to wear it?’ Bradley asked, pulling a face.

‘Yes! You can’t say no to my mom, you know that. She’ll get offended. It’s easier to give in to her demands. Especially now at Christmas... she’ll be all cranky and stressed about presents and food and bla, bla, bla... why do people like this holiday again?’ I asked, letting out a sigh.

‘Personally, I like seeing you in ugly sweaters but that’s just me,’ Bradley grinned. ‘Come here, I want to make out. It’s been too long.’

‘Forty-eight hours is all,' I laughed. He could over-exaggerate at times. But that is exactly one of the reasons why I loved him. He never got tired of me and he always lightened my mood no matter what. Without him here, I was sure this Christmas would suck.

‘Exactly. May as well be forever!’

I was still giggling at his dramatic behaviour when he drew me closer with a sweet smile of his own and kissed me like he'd done a thousand times before. It never seemed to get old. Knowing that it would be our last few minutes alone over the next couple days, I responded eagerly and ended up more in his chair than my own.

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