The Next Move

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When I got to Bradley’s, I had a rare moment of arriving at the same time as his dad. Rare because he usually left super early in the morning before I was even awake and returned quite late after we’d already gone upstairs for the night. And it was just before six in the evening now so this was super weird for him.

Despite the fact that he worked extremely long hours, he did make a huge effort with me. I knew it surprised Bradley. They didn’t exactly get along half the time but, to be fair, they had been a lot better the past few months. I think they must have had a chat or something but Bradley never mentioned it.

‘Hi,’ I said in a chipper voice, reaching the path at the same time as him.

‘Raegan, how are you?’ he asked with a warm smile.
Even though Bradley got his dark eyes from his mom, most of his other features were definitely his dad. It was almost the opposite for Remi. She looked exactly like her mom apart from her eyes which were blue like her dad’s. Weird. Either way, it was almost like seeing an older version of Bradley in twenty years’ time or so. Actually, I didn’t know how old Bradley's dad- damnit. I had to start referring to him by his actual name. Why was I finding that so hard?

‘Excited for our vacation in a few weeks,’ I smiled, following him towards the front door. ‘I’m sick of the cold.’

‘Antonia was the same. She always preferred summer. She didn’t like being stuck inside all the time,’ he replied, rifling around for his keys in the front pocket of his briefcase.

‘I got it,’ I said, pulling my own set out from my jacket and unlocking the door.

‘Since when did you have a key?’ he snorted, raising an eyebrow at me.

‘A while,’ I replied with a guilty grin. A long while.

‘I suppose it’s only fair. You’re probably here more than me.’

‘Actually, we’ve been at my apartment a lot recently,’ I told him, hanging up my jacket and kicking off my shoes. ‘Although I prefer it here since Bradley got me the piano.’

‘I still need to hear you play,’ Daniel said, hanging his own coat up too. ‘Sorry to run, I’ve got a call in a few. Urgent one as usual,’ he added hesitantly.

‘Sure,’ I replied immediately, waving him off. ‘Catch you later.’

I headed up the stairs, thinking Bradley would probably be in his room. Or the living room. We preferred the upstairs living room because the couch was a lot cosier and it had beanbag. Sometimes it did me awful studying flashbacks from last summer if I stayed in there for too long, though. He wasn’t in there, however, so I headed for his bedroom.

‘Oh, you’re sleeping? This will not do. I need you to entertain me.’

‘I’m not sleeping, I’m just trying not to move any of my muscles else it hurts,’ Bradley replied in a muffled voice.

He had seemingly face planted the bed and his mouth was muffled by the pillow he had his arms wrapped around. I set my bags down on his desk and made my way over, hopping onto to the mattress beside him and crossing my legs.

‘Coach work you hard?’ I asked, dipping down briefly to kiss the back of his head. His hair was slightly damp and smelled strongly of his usual shampoo.

‘He’s evil.’

‘He’s nice!’ I snorted. I’d met his coach a couple times at the games I’d gone to and he was literally the sweetest guy ever. Bradley and the others guys complained about him nonstop, though.

‘To you! He’s nice to all the team’s girlfriends. He’s sneaky! He knows you’ll defend him even though he’s secretly evil.’

‘Nope, I don’t believe you,’ I teased.

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