The Halloween Campout

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The Halloween campout was another Richmond tradition I’d be participating in for the first time. Remi said they did it every year. ‘They’ being her, Bradley, George and a few others who weren’t really part of the friendship group anymore. But those three had always done it even if the other people they were friends with changed, which it so often did over the years.

‘You definitely got me a size too small by mistake,’ I frowned, looking at my reflection in Bradley's bedroom mirror.

It had been my idea to let us choose each other’s Halloween costumes, but now I was beginning to regret it. The bastard had bought me a bright orange prison jumpsuit which he said he thought of within five seconds of my suggestion. He was still amused by the fact that the first time I saw him, I’d been checked up on by a cop. Something about that still annoyed me though. I think I was still kind of bitter about being forced back into school against my will back then. Even though only good things came of it.

Either way, the jumpsuit did fit but even I, who really didn’t haven’t the biggest of boobs, could only just about zip the front of it up.

‘It was no mistake,’ Bradley smirked from the doorway of the bathroom before approaching slowly.

‘Asshole,’ I laughed. ‘You just wanted to get me into tight clothes.’

‘I was kind,’ he grinned. ‘It’s going to be cold out this evening. I could have gone the other way and gotten you a very skimpy costume.’

‘So kind,’ I snorted. ‘Making it difficult for me to breathe.’

‘You’re not supposed to zip it up all the way,’ Bradley pointed out, stepping in front of me. ‘This is better,’ he added as he drew the zipper down a few inches. ‘Much, much, much better.’

‘I think you’re biased right now,’ I replied in an amused tone. ‘Admittedly, it is a little easier to breathe like this.’

‘How about I just unzip it all the way?’ he suggested, doing just that.

‘You see, that would defeat the purpose of getting dressed.’ He made a non-committed kind of noise as he distractedly peeled back the jumpsuit slightly. ‘And we certainly don’t have time to get undressed,’ I added as he kissed my exposed shoulder.

‘Time is an illusion, but you are not,’ he said dismissively, nudging one of my bra straps aside. ‘I don’t think they have black lacy underwear in prison,’ he mused. ‘Or red lipstick.’

‘Maybe for conjugal visits?’

‘Let’s have one of those right now,’ Bradley smiled, drawing me closer and kissing the corner of my mouth.

‘Fine, but I’m not getting blamed if we’re late!’

At the first hint of my agreement, he yanked the costume down until it fell to my hips. He paused for a moment then, giving me a look of approval.

‘I like this,’ he said enthusiastically. ‘Very easy access. Some of those dresses you wear are really difficult to get you out of, you know.’

‘Only for you!’ I laughed. ‘You’re just too impatient.’

‘Raegan,’ he said exasperatedly. ‘What kind of person is patient when trying to take off their girlfriend's clothes?’

‘Not you clearly,’ I grinned, pulling one of my arms free from the sleeves and cupping the back of his neck. ‘I’ll buy less confusing clothes next time I go shopping,’ I teased before leaning up and kissing along the line of his jaw.

‘Just don’t buy any,’ he suggested, pressing his palm to the small of my back to bring me against his chest.

‘Are you guys dressed or not?’ Remi asked from behind the bedroom door.

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