The Retreat (1/3)

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‘Where is it you’re going anyway? How come the bus is this early?’ I asked with a frown as Bradley parked up and switched his engine off.

‘I think like three or four hours away. Somewhere in the countryside... not really sure. I’ll let you know when I get there,’ Bradley replied. ‘We’re a little early.’

‘So, apart from today, does that mean I can drive your car this week while you’re gone?’ I grinned, unbuckling my seatbelt.

‘You can if you want but don’t let anyone else drive it,’ he replied, rolling his eyes at my look of delight.

He didn’t mind me driving his car anymore but I rarely got to anyway ‘cos he drove us everywhere and refused to set foot in my car. And he was practically my personal chauffeur anyway since I met him. But he seriously had an unhealthy obsession with his car and who was allowed to use it.

‘In fact... yes, you must drive it this week. Your hunk of junk worries me, you know. We need to get you a better car,’ he said, frowning at me as he undid his own belt.

‘It’s not that shitty of a car!’ I complained, punching him on the arm. He insulted my car far too much for my liking.

‘It wasn’t so bad a year ago but now it’s really not in good shape. How do Jojo and Cole not tell you this all the time?’ he asked, stroking the back of my head in an attempt to soothe me.

‘They do! They said it was rare to find a car they couldn’t fix up. I thought that was nice and unique.’

‘Unique,’ Bradley repeated, shaking his head, unable to hold back his look of amusement. ‘When I get back, we’re saying goodbye to that driving casket and looking for something safer. I don’t like you in it.’

‘But all our money is going to Costa Rica and New York,’ I pointed out, trying to dissuade him for at least a little while. ‘Can’t it wait until after then at least? I won’t even be using it much the next few weeks.’

‘Fine,’ he said grudgingly. ‘But after the vacations, it’s going to the scrap heap whether you like it or not.’

‘Fine,’ I grumbled. We glared at each other for a few seconds, neither of us happy with the outcome. ‘Want to go in the backseat and make out?’ I asked. ‘I want five days’ worth of kisses to tide me over while you’re gone,’ I added, touching his cheek.

‘Of course, I do.’

We'd arrived well before the others on his team. It took a good ten minutes for anyone else to even show up. We had to leave early because we lived all the way in Richmond and these guys all lived within ten minutes of college. One of the main reasons we wanted to move closer was so we wouldn’t have such a long commute every day. It’d save us so much time even living twenty minutes nearer.

‘Oh look, there’s your coach.’

‘Don’t talk about him when I’m kissing you,’ Bradley complained, tugging on my hair in annoyance. ‘That’s sort of gross.’

‘Oops sorry,’ I grinned, turning my attention back to him and his pouty expression. ‘Only one more else they’ll leave without you,’ I warned him.

He made a vague noise before leaning over me to trap me in the corner between him and the door. It was an unsurprisingly heavy kiss and maybe we did get a little too eager for the backseat of a car in the middle of the parking lot. It was still early morning though and the only people around were a few of the guys on Bradley’s team and they were over by the bus nowhere near us so no-one could see what we were up to anyway.

‘Okay,’ Bradley murmured, breaking off our kiss but keeping his face close as he brushed my hair back gently. ‘We have to stop else my car will lose its innocence.’

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