The Thirtieth Amended

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‘Where are you?’

‘In here!’ I called before returning to the magazine I was reading.

‘I thought you were getting ready to go out,’ Bradley said, appearing in the doorway with his hands on his hips as he eyed me lounging on our bed.

‘I am ready, see?’ I said, gesturing down to the plain white dress I had on.

It was probably a little early to start wearing summer clothes but I was sick of spring, as pretty as it might be. I wanted it to be hot, hot, hot again. I figured I’d try and encourage summer to hurry along by wearing appropriate attire. Maybe we’d get lucky and have an early heatwave.

‘You were supposed to come back down so we could leave,’ he laughed.

‘I got distracted. Remi left this magazine here yesterday. You know I’m weak for celebrity gossip,’ I said, giving him a wide-eyed apologetic look.

‘You’re weak for any gossip,’ he grinned before joining me on the bed. ‘Anything good?’ he added.

I leaned into his side as he slid his arm around my shoulders and adjusted the magazine so he could see it too.

‘Nothing juicy I haven’t seen already,’ I sighed sadly. Everything was online now so I wasn’t sure why Remi even bothered buying these magazines. ‘Where d’you want to go anyway?’

‘Beach walk? Looks like it’ll be a nice day. Then I guess we should go to the store and see what we can find to cook for the parents tonight,’ Bradley mused.

Ah yes, tonight. My parents had been on vacation the past few weeks and were stopping by for the night on their way back home as we hadn’t seen them for a while. It had been Bradley’s idea to have a kind of reunion dinner at our house to catch up. It was one of the perks of renting a house together rather than my old apartment. We could actually have people over without it being too cramped. And the spare room came in handy for those nights when certain guests drank too much. Certain guests being any one of our friends.

‘Something spicy,’ I said. ‘Apparently my dad is into Thai food right now.’

‘Never cooked Thai before so that will be interesting,’ Bradley said thoughtfully.

‘Uh, I’m pretty sure anything you cook is delicious,’ I pointed out reassuringly. ‘Is it warm out? Or shall I get changed? I don’t want to be cold but I bought so many nice clothes this weekend on sale, I want to start wearing them. I used my birthday money that I still had saved so don’t worry... we won’t have to eat like extra poor college students this week. Just normal poor college students,’ I added, looking up at him with a smile.

‘Good to know,’ he replied, smiling back before lowering his eyes. ‘Definitely keep this on,’ he murmured, grazing his hand down my thigh. ‘This dress was made for you.’

‘You think?’

‘Uh-huh. Reminds me a little of your high school graduation dress.’

‘How d’you even remember that?’ I said with a laugh. ‘That was like... three years back.’

‘We have that picture of all of us downstairs, remember?’ he said. ‘Anyway, you looked so good in that dress it’s of imprinted in my mind forever. Actually, I have a whole catalogue in my head of your hottest outfits.’

I leaned up and kissed his cheek. He seemed to be getting distracted by his own thoughts and needed an anchor.

‘You’re funny,’ I smiled. ‘Come on. Let’s get going before you try to rip this dress off too.’

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