Chapter Fifteen

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****Serpent Prep****

Celia's stay at Ursula's wasn't how she thought it would be.

It was slightly better than Freddie had said it had been when they were younger but it wasn't because Ursula had suddenly become a good mother.

That would have been too surrealistic.

(Also she had been ignored for more than a week till that moment, not that she complained)

Ursula had ignored her for a while in favor of giving some food to her eels and Celia just stood in front of her but near the door so she could escape should something happen, then her mother had just given her a disgusted look before saying "You'll have to earn your stay but I can't have you tending the tables, people would question why you are here"

"What would you like me to do?" Celia asked raising an eyebrow, she had known that waiting tables had been Uma's task before she had disappeared.

"You can start by washing the dishes and taking out the trash, Morgan will take the orders with Uriel and that guy...Har-something will clean up the tables" Ursula said and added "Then you will disappear for the day till is time for you to go to Serpent Prep"

"What?!" The girl exclaimed in surprise, her father had not told her about her changing schools. It was ridiculous to change schools at this point and he had said that she wouldn't stay at Ursula's for long.

"Go-to-Serpent-Prep" The cecaelia repeated with annoyance and looked at her nails before continuing "I'll not have you slacking around here, your aunt has spoken with Lord Beckett's wife and she had convinced him to let you assist to the classes in exchange for fresh fish during your stay"

"Do you get fresh fish at this side of the Isle?" The girl thought in astonishment and bit her tongue before she said anything she would regret.

Like shaming her for not caring about what her other two daughters ate for about twelve years.

"Why-?" She started to ask but quickly shut up knowing that the answer was not going to be given by the sea witch.

"Now, get out of my sight till you are needed" Ursula dismissed her and got back at checking her books.

Celia huffed before leaving her mother's "room", that had gone better than she expected when her cousin Uriel, her aunt's Morgana oldest son, had barged into her room saying that her mother needed her and that she should go downstairs as soon as possible.

Both of her cousins were waiting for her and she was sure that they had been listening to the whole exchange.

"Don't say anything" She said menacingly when she saw their amused faces.

"Hey, at least you won't have to interact with the pirates or the huns..." Uriel tried to make her new task sound better than taking orders but was clear that he was entertained by her interaction with his aunt, he then put on a serious face and looked at the clock on the wall "We have to get going, I don't know how things are at Dragon Hall but Lord Beckett likes everyone to be in time..."

"Are the pirates that bad?" Celia asked as they got out of the shop. She was actually curious because she had seen the ones from the Jolly Roger and they weren't that bad, just the occasional raiding when the shipments were low and their constant drinking.

"The worst, even worse than Uriel" Morgan huffed as he dodged a slap on the head from his brother and continued after giving Uriel an incensed look "They always steal money from the cashier, they go away without paying and fight with each other knocking everything in the shop"

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