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Narrator: in a world we're it's not so normal to be half of things.. there was a young fox, who felt so alone.. and to that he just felt misplaced.. he was deemed abnormal..

I walk down the hallways that I imagine to be filled with abnormal  beings likes my self, but all are full-breeds.. or in my spices, a human, where it isn't normal to be a half breed, or in fantisys you call them meta-humans, what I am.. a fox one at that.. or there's the miti-person utility or more commaly known as tribreeds.. in those stories  it seems so clear, that there the heros, vaillins, or in-between, however that is a mire lie.. just a fragment  of what it truly is  to be a meta-human, in a world full of self-centered abnoxious pricks. In the stories you hear as a small child.. they seem so innocent, so perfect, loved and well treated as a equal.. but that's simply far form the truth.

As far as I herd.. there's other alike me, but I am certain it's me and only me, I have been misplaced in this world. I'm so damn unlucky.. why was I born like this? A damn mistake.. my thoughts were thrown away when I got slammed right into a locker door.. 'ow' I mutter.

My body as so many bruises.. and even my preants.. you know the ones who made me this monster? They abuse me aswell.. 'when will you lurean you and your Bushey fenec fox ass ain't welcome' Jason spat.

'I'm not a fenec fox I'm a forest fox you idoit' I mutter quietly.

'I don't care if I say your a fenec fox then that's what you are, got it foxfuck' Jason spat.

'Y-yes' I squeek out.

I'm sick of it.. this heressment.. all because I'm deemed abnormal! Where's the others like me? I beg the heavens.. to make me not be so alone.. it fells like someone is just replaying the same fragment of life, over and over.. and I'm sick of it! Jason slames me to the floor 'just jump  already? You don't belong in this world' He sapt.

But I don't wanna seem so weak 'b..but your the weak one' I mubble.. 'you darned fox your the weak one got it?' He said slaping me hard.

I yelp nodding 'words' he demands.

'Y..yes' I squeek out.

'Good' he said storming off.

I just layed on the floor.. what's the point? The others will just push we done once more if I get up.. and this floor seems pretty comfortable compared  to a locker. So here I think I'll stay. I could bearly  move regardless my body is paralyzed and glued to the floor regardless, so.. I guess here will be the hill I die on.. a freshmen in highschool.. so powerful, yet so powerfuless at the same time.. on the floor in pain, with noone to help me.. where is the ones who is like me? I'd like some friends soon.. Please. Who am I kidding.. I don't fucking  deserve  it.
Fundy.. you  do.. don't give up buddy.

the outcasts - Dundybur {Completed}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang