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After ten years

I woke up with a sound of yelling. I ignored it as usual and snuggled closer to my right and found him beside me again. “where’s Aryan?” I asked him. “beside me.” He replied in his husky sleepy voice. I shifted away from him and laid on my back.

He shifted closer and rested his head on my chest. “Good morning, Faith.” He said, his voice muffled. “Good morning, Ryan.” I replied. He inhaled in my neck deeply and his nose touched my neck lightly. I shivered.

Bed shifted a little but it wasn’t Ryan who was moving. Aryan climbed on Ryan from the other side of the bed and then laid beside me opposite Ryan.

Aryan's head on my stomach while Ryan’s head on my chest. “momma, daddy always steal my place and put me in the conrer.” Aryan said with a little difficulty speaking the word ‘corner'. “you stole her from me. I had her all by myself and now you want a piece of her too”. Ryan complained.

“she’s my momma.” Aryan said as if it cleared everything. Ryan laughed a little. “Well, your momma is my wife before. Right Faith?” Ryan asked in a I’ve-won-already tone.

I smiled to myself. “boys, stop it now. Ryan you should not compete with your own son and Aryan, I love you just the same as I love your daddy.” I said. “daddy??” yelled Faina from other room. And she climbed on bed too and laid on Ryan.

“I’m a good gul.” She said in her broken English. “yes, Faina. You’re amazing just like your momma.” Ryan said happily. “what am I then?” Aryan asked a little annoyed. “you’re wonderful, Aryan, just like your dad.”

I reassured him. He smiled his toothy smile. “I always wanted to be like daddy.” He said sighing peacefully. Ryan gave a high five to Aryan.

I was happier than ever with my husband, Ryan Morgan and our two children. Three year old Aryan Morgan exactly like his daddy with dark eyes like mine, and one year old Faina Morgan exactly like me but eyes like Ryan’s.

It has been four years of our marriage. And eleven years together with Ryan. And eleven best years of my life. I hope whoever’s reading this will find love, peace, calm, passion and home.

After everything you’re going through, you’ll find that one person who will love you despite all odds. You’ll have an amazing supportive son. You’ll have an amazing loving daughter. You’ll have an amazing best friend who will make you laugh when no one else will.

But most of all you’ll know how to love yourself.

                                                                                                                 The end.

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