Chapter 24

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Days passed and Christmas was around the corner. Weather was pretty cold. I had bought a gift for Ryan, I was really confused at what to get him. But then I found something quite okay.

I hoped he would like it. I was having the best time with him. Just being close to him, kissing him, cuddling with him, knowing every new aspect of his life. Liking him more and more every day. Just the mere thought of him leaving me started terrifying me.

I knew I was being unwise. Falling for him every day, a little too fast. I just couldn't help. I was not in love at that point. But I could see myself falling for him easily.

A day before Christmas, I was laying with Ryan. My head on his stomach and he was brushing my hair with his fingers. "I was thinking of taking you home for Christmas. You could come with me." He said casually.

"uhum? I could? You're sweet." I said to him happily. "you like my family?" he asked me stupidly. "yes, I love them. They are really sweet to me. They are a healthy family which I always craved. I like meeting them" I said with a mix of emotions.

He sat up, I reacted with doing the same. He touched my cheek. "you're one of the strongest persons I've ever met. You've been through so much and never let anyone knew." He said so proudly.

All these things about him, appreciating me, making me laugh, being silent with me without getting annoyed. They helped me feel good about myself.

I was falling in love with myself.

I hugged him so tightly, I could feel his heart beating against my chest.

We left in the evening of Christmas eve. I wore a red silky tank top tucked in white camlet sweatpants with camlet jacket on top. I wore a Santa beanie with it for a little touch of festive.

I was just wearing my jacket, Ryan walked in my room. "damn! You're looking gorgeous." He said looking me up and down. "I haven't even wear this, I'm not even completely dressed." I said while rolling my eyes.

"that's the point, you look just as great without it, actually better." He blushed while saying it. I slapped his chest playfully and walked outside.

I was in the living room, Ryan walking towards me. I noticed he was wearing maroon sweater with black jeans and white leather jacket. He looked so good. He slid his hands in mine.

I kissed him and we walked outside towards his car. I was so happy and a little nervous about him liking my gift or not.

We were standing on the gate. Ryan finding his keys to unlock the door. "shit!!" I said at my stupidity. "what?" he asked calmly. "I forgot to buy any gifts for your family." I said. He smiled at me.

"you don't need to get them anything, it's okay, they won't mind." He said and I was still not satisfied but I couldn't do anything then.

We entered his house, everything was in full swing. Mr and Mrs Morgan were baking something. It smelled like cookies. Bryan and Hope were playing a board game. Niall was sitting by the fire with a girl, her girlfriend I guessed.

She was a beautiful ginger head with grey eyes. They were holding hands. "finally!" Hope said after seeing us. She hugged me first and then Ryan. Mr and Mrs Morgan came to me. "congratulations to you guys." I told them and they hugged me. "hi, meet my girlfriend Freya." Niall said proudly as he came to us.

I was as usual nervous. "hey, I'm Faith Solace." I said awkwardly. "my girlfriend." Ryan said happily.

All the Morgans looked so happy.

"I knew it, when you came last time I knew you were going to be his girlfriend." Bryan said and winked at Ryan. He blushed and I laughed at the memory of him seeing us. We all sat by the fire, talked about everything that crossed our minds.

"Let's play a game. Truth or dare. And it's a love version." Hope said happily. I could literally see here everyone in love. Mr Morgan was sitting close to Merlia, his happiness visible on his face.

Niall was holding Freya's hand and looked like he admired her so much. And I was stealing glances at Ryan even though our legs were touching but I liked admiring what's mine.

"We won't play, it's not our age to do this. We'll enjoy seeing you guys play." Merlia said and Mr Morgan nodded in agreement. We sat in a circle. "I want to go first." Freya said excitedly. I could easily tell she is completely at home at the Morgans.

"so truth or dare?" Bryan asked. "dare." She replied. Bryan pondered a little. "kiss a girl in this room." Bryan said, confident at the fact that she won't do it.

She got up and went to Merlia, kissed her on the cheek. And winked at Niall. "that's not what I meant!" Bryan said exasperated. "then you had to specify that before. Who's next?" she said trying to avoid Bryan and laughing. "I hate you." He muttered. She laughed so loud.

"oh Niall is more than enough for me." She beamed. They were a happy family, living together which I never had. "I'll go next. Dare." Hope said. Everyone was thinking what to dare her.

"Hey, last time when I came, you told me something." Ryan teased. Hope said through her expressions to not say a word. "you can't keep secrets if you're a Morgan or related to a Morgan." Niall said teasingly.

"fine, go ahead." Hope said, accepting her defeat. "so, there's this guy, who once came in the cafe where she works. And he comes daily now and talk only to her." Ryan spilled.

"and you have to call him and tell him that don't call me ever again and I don't like you." Niall said high fiving Ryan. "inspirational." Bryan said admiring his brothers.

They all had such a great bond. Hope was so angry but she had no choice. She called him, after two rings he received. "hey, how's it going? I wish you were here with me today." He said tenderly. Freya was in awe.

"right, but I wanted to say, you shouldn't call me anymore and yeah." Hope said so sadly. "have I done something? Can we meet tomorrow?" he asked so heart broken. Merlia kind of wanted to scold his boys. "Bye." Hope said.

She glared at Niall, Ryan and Bryan. "I have the meanest most heartless brothers ever. Everyone is taken here and Bryan has this huge crush on a girl. And you guys made Harry so sad." Hope said annoyingly.

"so we have known three new things after this phone call. First, you and Harry like each other a lot. Second, his name is Harry. Third, Bryan has a crush on a girl. What would you like to say, sir?" Ryan asked teasingly.

Bryan was nervous now, a lot. "Don't be shy little brother." Niall said. "yeah, it's just, I like her a little and she plays football with me. And she defeated me, can you believe it? I used to be the best but now she's the best, I guess." Bryan said nervously. I could see Ryan in him. "awwww." Ryan gave the biggest awe just to annoy Bryan.

"Who's next? I think Faith should. Truth or dare?" Niall asked me. "dare?" I said. I was a little scared. "sing a song. That's pretty easy." Niall said to me. Ryan looked so happy.

"wait, let me set the karaoke. It'll be fun." Merlia said, getting up. She set the karaoke and gave me the mic. "sing whatever, this tune fits every song." The first song that hit my mind was out of my league by Stephen speaks.

And I started singing.

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