Chapter 40

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Classes were a little stressful because exams were nearing. But before exams it was football tournament. Our campus and there were three more campus were going to participate.

Ryan was very busy with his practice and his studies. I wasn't much of a football freak, but I was excited because of Ryan. I was sitting with Ryan in his room, after a very long time because of his practice. We weren't getting anytime to talk. It was getting frustrating.

Ryan's head was in my lap and he was playing with my fingers while my other hands was scratching his hair. "so, I was thinking, if you'll wear my Jersey number in tomorrow's match?" he asked uncertainly.

"oh! I would love that!" I said excited. He chuckled a little. His phone rang, he got up and received it. "yeah, but doesn't really make a difference...Their team is still tough...don't celebrate just yet."

He said seriously to the person. He declined and pulled out the lighter and the cigarette from his pocket and smoked. Was he looking hot!! I cuddled with him.

I noticed he had smoked three cigarettes without any break. As he was mid way in his fourth. I shifted and sat in his lap, pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and kissed him softly, while he grunted. I was about to break the kiss but he caught my throat and kept kissing me.

His scent and the smell of cigarette was a deadly combination. When we broke the kiss he stared in my eyes deeply. "people who have no one to kiss their lips smoke this much. You have me." I said.

His thumb was stroking my lower lip gently.

He captured my lips again for a second while his hand kept moving under my shirt, making me shiver. "I know that you are stressed but trust me, you are going to kill it tomorrow." I said as I pecked his lips again.

He tightened the grip on my waist. "you make me feel so light in the head." He said with a sigh. I was caressing his face with my hand. "damn. You're giving me butterflies in my stomach." He said while blushing.

My eyes widened.

"I still give you butterflies?" I asked surprised. "All the time. Same as when I saw you for the very first time." He said, his fingers combing my hair. My heart fluttered at his words.

God! I loved him.

The followed match was won by our campus. I didn't know much about football which annoys Monty a lot but I went to watch for Ryan. The tournament was a good time pass for about two months.

And then our campus lost the final match and couldn't win to Ryan's utter sadness. But he got over it. Then we all hot busy for our exams. I did really good or at least I thought I did in Psychology, English and history.

Calculus and maths I knew went out of the window. Ryan did good in calculus and maths. Engineering was okay and industrial chemistry and accounting was barely acceptable.

While coming from the last exam I tripped over nothing in particular and lost grip on all my stuff. A guy which I recognized from football team who was a senior helped me out.

I tried to ignore but low key I knew he wasn't like other football guys. He was really mature. I told him thank you when coach called both of us to the ground.

I reached there and found the whole team there including Ryan and William. Cheerleaders, and some other girls were also there. Ryan looked rather angry. "you come here." Said our dance teacher in his hard voice.

I looked around to confirm if he was talking to me or not. I took step towards him awkwardly. "yes..." I said nervously. "I've heard you dance really good. Show me some steps. I want some girls for the opening of our prom on the last of the term." He said casually. I glared at Ryan for telling him about my dancing. He shook his head furiously.

How the heck does he know? I thought.

"I-I don't want to be the part of the opening. Actually I won't be attending prom." I said but the teacher shook his head. He practically pushed me towards the nice guy from football.

"Joseph, dance with her. She seems uncomfortable dancing alone." He said smirking. I could feel the anger radiating from Ryan. His fists were shaking and he was glaring at Joseph now. I wanted to cry.

Why is he forcing me! I don't want to make a fool of myself.

I stood on the stage and Joseph followed me. Music started which was not registering in my mind because I was busy panicking. Joseph offered his hand and I took it with a shaking hand.

I was so shaking that it felt like I was going to die. I couldn't see at his face even. And then all of a sudden Joseph slipped and hurt his leg. I saw him and he winked at me and then started his whines of pain.

"aaah! I can't dance anymore. My leg is broken. I'm going to complain to admin about you forcing us to dance when we don't know how to." He accused the teacher.

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