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Almost impossible to believe. Batool is no Oracle to pull days and nights back whenever they rebirth anew, what beats her down is the fluctuating emotions visiting her.

Abubakar had been gracing her with his presence and in the process, giving their relationship and new home hopes of high standards and quality.

When dawn unveils, she'll become a Mrs, a sad fact which perforates a hole of misery and fear in Adnan's heart on her behalf.

The thoughts of having her shelled beneath another man in a few hours and having to get a new identity is never funny, everything happened so fast.
Nothing interests Adnan anymore, his dedication and compassion for his work which he so much loves has slacked miserably. Maybe they were never meant to be, both miles away from each other's physical appearance but nested closely within each other's heart. Though, truth to be told, Batool partially feels neutral but her feelings are complicated and unsolved.

No, she's not in love with Adnan, romantically. It's attachment and wild brotherly likeness.
Do romantic feelings even exist in her World?

Batool sees nothing pitiable about the new path she's about to walk and no doubt, Adnan will forever be her heart's most treasured brother, Friend and companion.

Could it be that she shares a romantic bond with Adnan but sadly, she doesn't know what it feels like to be loved or how it is to love?

  Even with the pressure, ups and downs, movements and noises of her wedding. She is still at peace, a very well polished silence and completely unaffected because nothing is being done by her.

Could Ameenu and Hauwa be making a great mistake by saying nothing to the poor autistic soul about marriage all in the name of giving her peace?

It's just forty eight hours to her wedding, but she only finds one thing unsettling; Adnan's sudden stepping away from her.

She dialled his number but the same feminine voice came through the device in a bold tone, just as usual.

"The number you're trying to dial is unavailable at the moment.."

She sighed, a sigh exhaled with worry and the pain of detachment.

An autistic person's attachment is a deadly game.

Only if Adnan knew, he would have drawn a line to keep them apart. As it is, the neck will always stand between the shoulders, they'll never meet.
Her usual thing when hurt, she folded her figure into a tiny thing and shut her eyes wickedly, as if her end will unfold immediately she opens them.

She needs to solve herself and not lose herself to the world.

A knock came thrice on her door, she heard it clearly but chose to ignore it.

Batool is indeed a Rubik cube.

This disturber should be Zara, she has always been the morning raven that filters Batool's ears with her knocks everyday just to say irrelevant stuff or narrate events which Batool was never interested in doing or listening to.

Indeed, she's a true, dedicated and committed news caster of the family.

"Can I come in, Ya Batool?", Zara questioned, drumming on the door knob with her fingers.

Batool still sat on her ears, unattended were Zara's knockings.

Zara leaned her ears on the door, pouting her lips.
Should she barge in and create a scene or avoid her Ya Batool's hard narrow stare that pierces the heart?

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