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   A Sunday rolled back again just as usual. The sun sprayed its unfriendliness into Batool's room 'Her poetry world ' just as she calls it. She was awake already and had great raveled focus on Duhun damina a hausa novel written by Maryamerh Abdul.
She erected her head and rested her eyes on her familiar wall clock which sat on the wall just above her bed.

7:15am, stated the time.

It had always been a usual routine for her; her sleeps come to a halt at exactly 5am after salatul subh.

The scent of incense sipped through the spaces of her locked room which indicates Ammie is awake because the incense scent she perceived turned out to be 'hawii'.
If it was 'Gab gab' then its Hanan, If yells and coughs were audible to her usual weekend hearing then it's definitely Muhammad, because he's asthmatic and partially dislikes incense scent because of its smoky nature and if feet are being dragged past her room and could barely last for twenty seconds or less then it signals Daddy's awake.
She had deciphered all these for the past nineteen years of her whole life.

"May I come in?" The familiar voice of Hanan made Batool turn her head to the direction of the door. Hanan stood with her head popped into the half opened door and her body stood outside.
Hanan doesn't in anyway look like Batool; she looks more like her paternal cousins.
Batool simply nodded, staring at how sheepishly Hanan is smiling.

Her whole family are so used to her silences and nods because of her darkness and mildly autistic nature. Well, it's not only about her creation but deep down she knows she has a darkness which none knows of but sadly, even she can't tell what exactly it is.
From afar, her mind mirrors her paternal grandmother; hajiya mama but she beat down that thought instantly.

Hanan walked to Batool's averagely scattered reading table, slightly brushing her palm on Batool's poetry book.
"Hanan don't!" Batool exclaimed without sparing her a glance.

Hanan sighed "Don't know when you'll set your words chronologically and smack em in mah ears"    she said with a little chuckle tryna stabilize Batool's emotions which is a very difficult task.

She's a difficult person.


Hanan spoke again "I'm sorry for being a champ so early in the morning. So tell me, what's up with you today?"

"What would be wrong with me!?" Batool spat back almost rhetorically

"Easy there lioness" Hanan said suspending her hands in the air.

A peaceful silence hung in the atmosphere but it anyways made Batool feel kinetic with the velocity of her heart pacing averagely.


Just perfect!

A piece just popped into her head.
Very much poetic, she thought.

"Everyone is awake, dear poet!"

"Shush Hanan!"

"You're a sad story, I tell you" Hanan said rolling her eyes

Batool sighed yet again.
"Pass me that pink book" she pointed at her reading table "And the pen too"

Hanan nodded and passed it to her. Batool raveled a focus to her thoughts..


Oh lonely rose!
Trailed at a revamped pace,
Cascaded off an ironical reverie,
Stamped, clipped affections.
My souls stoppage is near.

Hanan watched silently, barely surprised at the usual title Lonely rose.
It has always been written by Batool in series with different contents but the title never changed.
Not that she doesn't write about other things too but lonely rose was a constant title.

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