|•Chapter 14:I always win•|

Start from the beginning

"You wouldn't have said that four years ago L/n.
You almost sound like a trifling weakling." He
was now mocking you. "Yet your still weaker
than me." Kicking the back of his knees as he
landed right on the ground noticing you had
sliced open one of the pipes.

"Doppo Poet! Stun gun! Welcome to
heel, you aberrant dog."

Kunikida through the stun gun at the puddle
of water as the scream of the younger man
ran through the warehouse as he manage to
jump out. "It appears the Agency is not a mere
group of entertainers. You're worthy of being
their cover. Interference .Very well. Our oaths
will cross again in the future. Let's continue
this another time."He walked off.


It wasn't long ago that you all arrived at the
building mentioned by the cab driver before his
very interesting dispute he put up. Though it
was abandoned and looked like some ruin with
all the glass shattered and police tape
covering the enterance. Some people would've
think it was haunted by now after the devastating case that happened here many years ago.
"I turned the driver over to the military police."
Dazai broke the trickling silence making the air
feel not so tight and unbreathable.

"So this is the building the organ traffickers use for their deals?"Atsushi asked as the four of you
entered the building taking a step over the
police step before having to climb many stairs.
Til being meet with a small constructed glass
room that had already been abandoned by the
organ dealers. Everything inside the building
was heavily scorched with a thick ashy black
colour. "This is where the Azure King blew
himself up." Dazai explained as you remembered
the case when it happened it was during the of
years after you left the Mafia and went M.I.A
with Dazai for ages.

"That's right."Kunikida answered
"What? You mean, the one in the infamous
Azure Flag terrorist incident?That Azure King?"
The younger boy asked as the topic was hard to
talk about. "That's right. A terrorist who
destroyed many national and corporate facilities. From the time I heard the term " Azure
Messenger," I've been wondering if it had any ties
to the Azure King." Dazai stated as he glanced
over at you he knew what you had been
thinking he always had. No matter if you
compare your wits he knew all your moves
the way you think or act it was etched
perfectly in the back of his mind.

"I'd heard that the Azure Ling blew himself up
in the end. So this was the place. He committed
suicide after the police had cornered him,
right?" Atsushi muttered. "That's right. I'd had
determined that this was his hideout and
reported it to the police."Kunikida spoke
"You were the one that found his hideout?"The
boy questioned.

"But on that day, the military, the public safety bureau and the police were all working in
tandem. So the chain of command was utter
chaos, only five detectives arrived at the hideout
in timely manner upon receiving the report.
To add further insult to injury, the Azure King
got wind of the police's actions, so he holes
himself up with a bomb. After a conflicting set
of orders, a decision was made to raid. But
ordinary policemen without special training
or abilities couldn't stand a chance."The blonde
paused for a moment.

"Cornered, the Azure King blew himself up
and perished along with the five detectives."
He headed into the glass room infront of us
as we followed closely and carefully behind him.
"I remember now,Kunikida-kun. One of
the detectives was that Rokuzou boy's father,
wasn't he?" Dazai asked not wanting to seem insensitive leaning against the door frame as
you leaned on the other side as both of you face
each other. "He was a good detective with a
strong sense of justice. I'm the one who reported
the hideout to the police. I may as well have set
the bomb off myself."The blonde stated

"That's not true! It's the terrorist's fault for blowing himself up!"Atsushi protested. "That's right, Atsushi-kun. Yet he can't stop trying to look out
for the Rokuzou boy...in his deceased father's
stead." Dazai spoke as there was sudden ding
sound from the laptop that was left
"What is it?"The boy asked. "Another job for
the Agency. The client...is the Azure Messenger." Kunikida read out. "I see. I'm starting to see who
this Azure Messenger is but I'm sure the
Agency's beauty over here had it all figure it
out but she's just confused."Dazai stared right at
you he knows sending you a smirk as your
eyes widen slightly.

"So? What's the job?"He asked knowing
that he got the reaction he wanted "Disarming a
bomb." Kunikida answered "A bomb?"
"If we don't disarm the bomb by sunset tomorrow,
several hundred people will die."


The Uzumaki Cafe runned by an classy elderly
man is we're all the detective agency member
like to hangout before or during there breaks.
Considering it was located on the ground floor of
the Agencies building. Though you didn't expect
to go there this morning until Sasaki had
invited you to join her. After your meeting
with that you had with the President.

"Ah, Y/n! You made it!" She cheered as you just
entered the cafe greeting a quiet wincing at
how informally she addressed you. 'good morning'
to the owner who happily gave you one back
as started to make your usual. "Hello to you as
well, Sasaki-san and it's L/n. We're not that close." You spoke sharply as her happy demeanour
dropped slightly. "Oh, sorry." She let out a
small giggle only rolling your eyes at her as
you thanked the old man taking a
sip at the tea.

It's little bitter taste running down your throat
as you took light sips of warm drink.
"So what did you call me here for?" Setting down
the cup of tea on the table. "First off L/n you
should drop the acting." She spoke more seriously. this time her tone and body language shifted too.
You sat there calmly resisting the urge to leap
over the table and punch her little porcelain
face wanting it to shatter like a little china doll.

"I don't know what you mean." Speaking dumbfoundingly back to her it wasn't cuttting it.
"We both know that you hate me and I hate you.
Even though we're quite alike in a sense." She
stated. "Well that's fucking bullshit."
"You know I'm the Azure Messenger. We both
work the same way, manipulate men with our
looks while being able to put on a act of
any personality we want isn't that right the
Mafia's Daisho." She finished her sentence with
the nickname you hadn't heard in years.

Daisho-the term for a pair of traditionally
made Japanese swords or nihonto that were
worn by the samurai class in Japan's Feudal
system. "Repeat that name again." You utter
"L/n I'm surprise your remaining calm even
though I used one of your nicknames."Snickering
at you as your reaction was priceless to her
you knew she just wanted that as you stood up.
"I'm leaving."Trying to keep your anger at bay.

"Are you now L/n but we were just starting to
get along." She whined. "Get along my ass kiss it while your at it because ai always win." Just as
you were were about to leave "Y/n!"Dazai shouted
at you turning to see Sasaki swinging a knife
at you,stepping side and gripping at her arm immediately having her pinned to the ground.
As she dropped the knife picking it up as you held
it near her throat though something was
stopping you it's the promise.

You couldn't break his promise after four years
"Y/n calm down."Dazai spoke softly pulling
you back into him as you dropped the knife into
his hands as he held you against him.
"Shit.Osamu." "We can't confront her like this just yet but I'll need you to go do something for me."
He whispered into your ear his plan of confrontation. His hand running up and down
your sides on a calming manner.

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