○● C H A P T E R 30 ●○

593 14 6

I woke up, to find myself in complete and utter darkness. I closed my eyes once more not wanting to endure the hangover that was to come.

Slowly, as my consciousness woke up, I realized I was not alone. I could feel the presence of another. I really didn’t have the energy for this.

I fell for the knife beneath my pillow and threw it in the direction I heard the shuffle. I heard the knife go straight into the wall.

The person didn’t move an inch. I opened my eyes and took a deep breath, staring at the celling. How did they even get into here, I thought to myself.

I heard the person move, and suddenly those familiar grey eyes were staring back into mine. For a second, he didn’t say anything, but then he slowly whispers,

“What have you done.”

I tried to think back to last night but all I could remember was shooting the cops and driving away.  

I Turned my head and looked away to see a large patch of dried blood on the ground, then I followed it up to my shoulder. Nasty cut.

I stood up and brushed past him, moving into the kitchen. I filled a glass of water and then took a sip. Looking at him the entire time.

When I was done, I threw the glass into the sink and sat down on the sofa and looked up at him. Clearly bored I stated, “You weren't meant to find out I was staying here.”

He blatantly ignored my bored remark and then he shouted, “Do you know what the fuck you have done. You were meant to stay on the downlow and now they are out looking for you.”

I looked at him confused and then my eyes wandered to the empty bottle, his eyes followed mine and then he picked the bottle and smashed it into the floor.

Eyes wide open, I really tried hard to remember, but I just couldn’t. “Clearly, I don’t remember, for reasons that are all too obvious. How about you do the honors of telling me how I fucked up.”

“Yet again” I thought to myself.

He began to walk around the living space, and began to say, “You killed not only 20 people last night, but most of them were also cops.

You should know that if you want something done, you never get your own hands dirty. Don’t let it trace back to you. But now, you left a bloody pathway leading back to you. But not just you, also me.”

I closed my eyes, to contemplate the situation. I've gone in deep this time, it's Ganna be hard to get out of this. “We can deal with this later.” I said, when I remembered I had to meet with sage, because of her sister.

Then I stood up and began to walk out, however whilst going past him he grabbed my shoulder and pushed me onto the floor. “You don’t get to leave.” He said tiredly.

I looked up at him, my veins flowing with anger. I grabbed my gun from my jeans and shot at his leg. Causing him to stumble back, “You do not get to tell me what to do.”

I said smiling. Although wounded he stood up and came towards me and knelt. He grabbed me by the throat and pushed me back, sending my head flying back to the table.

I began to see stars but after a few seconds, I got it together and pulled myself up. He was attending to his wound, so I got behind him and pushed him now.

I wasn’t fast enough, and he twisted my arm around with my wrist in his grip. He brought his left hand up Aswell and slowly snapped my wrist.

I winced in pain and kicked him in the ground causing him to fall off me. I stayed laid down and looked up at the ceiling. I fucked up.

And I had to get away from here as soon as possible. I pushed myself up when I heard him grunt, and I picked my gun up and shot his other leg, that should keep him busy.

I walked out with a trail of blood dripping from my injured shoulder. I got in my car and drove off, to where?

That I didn’t even know yet.

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