●○ C H A P T E R 17 ○●

978 24 4

A few hours later, I was almost fully drunk, but I had to limit myself because of what, we had planned for tonight. Soon, Xzaiver came with Dante.

I ran up to them, and then mindlessly hugged Xzavier, he looked confused and just stood there.

“ohh emm gee, you came!” I forcefully slurred.

Dante began to laugh at the scene and then I came back to my senses for a moment and stepped away.

“What's wrong Xzaiver? Why are you always so serious? Loosen up, hahaha.” Me saying this only made him tighten up more.

Then, a young woman who looked about 25 walked in, she has dark blue dyed hair and a black tight dress. If it were pulled up even an inch, it would certainly reveal everything. She walked up to Xzaiver and began whispering nonsense into his ear.

Who did this bitch think she was, walking around here like show owned the place? I grabbed her by the wrist and twisted it around, so she that she spun directly in front of me,

“It's impolite not to greet the host of the party, bitch.” I said, almost instantly sobering up. The girl looked startled but instantly regained composure and put her hand out saying,

“Lexi, nice to meet you...” “Amaya.” I continued for her. Not extending my hand to shake with hers. I twisted around and began to pout.

“I wanted to talk to him more tonight, oh well.” I thought to myself. In the corner of my eye, I saw Dante standing alone, and I decided to approach him,

“Well hello there, handsome.” I giggled whilst grabbing his hand and dragging him to the dance floor. “Dante will you dance with me?” I asked, “Not like I have much of a choice.” He said and then laughed.

We danced for what felt like hours, eventually I got tried so we both went to the lounge, where, what a surprise Xzaiver was sat.

For some reason, I really wanted Xzavier's attention tonight. Urgh. He's so difficult to get a grasp of. So, I took a sip of my drink and in effort to restrain myself, I continuously repeated “Don't get drunk.” because I had to be sober for this. I looked up to see Sage approaching me.

Gosh, I told her not to get too drunk. Now she can barely even walk straight. Couldn’t really expect any less from her. Put Sage in a club for 5 minutes and by the time she get's out, she's already drop-dead drunk. Sage came and sat near me and I looked at her.

“What's wrong Amaya, don’t be so down.” She managed to blurt out. I pouted and looked at Sage,

“Why won't he talk to me, that smurf-blue bitch has all his undivided attention right now.” I complained. “Girl~ go over to him and talk then, what's wrong with you??” I pointed at my liquor filled glass suggesting the alcohol was what was wrong with me. Sage rolled her eyes and tried to shuffle me along the couch near him. When I got to Xzaiver, I just looked at him. (God I probably looked creepy).
“What do you want Amaya? He said, once he noticed my presence. I looked him in the eyes and very seriously said,


He looked at me, fully baffled.

Well, he definitely wasn’t expecting that. I began to laugh and then he realized it was a joke. Wait. Did he actually think I was serious? Well, I was too drunk to question it.

I took a puff from my cigarette, trying to contain my laughter. After that, Xzaiver discussed boring matters regarding business, so I did the most logical thing my drunkass could think of. I got up, and shouted to Dante,

“Dante! Will you go on a date with me?!” Well, that was very unexpected. But I guess drunk me had different plans than my usual self. Everyone turned around and looked at me from a second, before turning back to the party. Later into the night, I got up and walked to Ben,
"Is everything ready?” I directly questioned.

Ben nodded and then looked towards a man I identified. “Good.” I said, and then I looked around to make sure all my men were in the right places. I looked at Sage and gave her the signal and she shouted, “Everyone! Gather up for an announcement.”

I nodded at Ben, telling him were ready, then proceeded to walk up the stairs to the stand.

As I walked up, Xzaiver looked at me. It was like he was silently warning me not to do anything stupid. Oh well. That idea was straight out of the window. I looked away from him, breaking eye contact and then looked and the crowd announcing,

“Thank you all, for attending this venue. Now, those of you who want to make it out alive, I suggest you duck down. A few of you may accidently be killed if you are not careful.”

Then I looked at my men and gave them the signal and gunshots rang as they fired across the room. Everyone frantically ducked, as I stayed standing. I looked for the man I identified earlier and walked up to him.

I grabbed him by the collar and bashed his head onto the wall, causing a huge gash slashed across the side of his forehead. I threw him onto the floor. I kneeled, careful to not get any blood onto myself.

I took out my pocketknife and began to slowly carve my name into the guy's forearm, whilst whispering,

“Do not mess with me. Ever again.” Then I got up, admiring the masterpiece I had created, and as I turned around, a lot of the people had dispersed and there was a handful of corpses were scattered around. Well, I did tell them to duck.

“I know you're close by and I WILL find you.” I shouted, and then told my men to clean the mess up. From the corner of my vision, I saw Xzaiver, standing there furious. Maybe I should have told him about my plan, but I don't have enough energy to argue with him tonight, so I turned on my heels and walked out, inhaling the smell of fresh blood.

What? I'm not a psychopath ;)

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