The agent laughed.

"Well, you're clear." She said. "Have a nice trip and try not to hurt yourself anymore. Your dads don't need any more heart attacks.

"Thanks." Bailey said, picking up her sweatshirt and her backpack and rejoined TK and Carlos.

Together they began walking through the terminal in search of their gate. Normally, she did okay in the airport crowds when she was with somebody but the early morning flight combined with the impending long travel day just made her feel like there were extra eyes on her and it made her uneasy. She moved so that she was walking in between Carlos and TK as her eyes ran across the closed storefronts.

"Bailey." TK said, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Bailey's head swiveled to him.

"Sorry what?" She asked.

"I asked if you wanted anything to eat. There's a Starbucks next to our gate." He said.

"Uh, yeah, that sounds good." She said.

"Okay, how about you and I go grab some seats and papá can grab us something." TK suggested.

Bailey nodded.

"Sounds like a plan," Carlos said. "I'll be back."

TK took Carlos' backpack from him and together TK and Bailey went to find a good set of three seats to claim. They weren't difficult to find, so early in the morning the airport was practically deserted.

"You wanna tell me what's going on kiddo?" TK asked.

Bailey looked up at him and shrugged.

"Come on Bails, don't shut down on me," TK said. "You know what Dr. Stevens said. Shutting down is the first step back to-"

"Back to panic, I know," Bailey said. "I just don't like going through TSA is all."

TK nodded.

"Because of getting searched?" He asked.

Bailey nodded.

"It happens all the time but with so few people around it feels like they're all watching me, judging me. I don't like it." She said.

TK nodded again.

"You know they aren't though right?" He asked gently.

The last thing he wanted to do was invalidate Bailey's feelings. He knew her anxiety could take her to some pretty dark places and invalidation could push her there. She nodded vigorously.

"Yeah, no I know. It's just like the hairs on the back of my neck are standing on end and it makes me all fidgety and anxious." Bailey said.

TK nodded.

"Okay Bails, just take some breaths and let's take your mind off of it. You brought your sketchbook right? Maybe work on some sketches and listen to some music. Papá should be back soon with breakfast." He said.

Bailey nodded and pulled out her sketchbook, a pencil, her phone, and a pair of headphones. Carlos returned about ten minutes later carrying a drink carrier and three bags all containing breakfast sandwiches.

"Is she okay?" Carlos asked, sitting down next to TK.

TK nodded.

"Just a little anxious. Some food will help I think." TK said gently putting a hand on Bailey's shoulder.

Bailey's head jerked up and she pulled a headphone out.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Breakfast mija." Carlos said, holding out the bag with her sandwich in it.

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