Chapter 27

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Table for Two

TK and Carlos slumped up the front steps of the house.

"Bailey's with Judd and Grace tonight right?" Carlos asked.

"Yeah," TK said through a yawn. "Grace is gonna help her get ready for the museum thing."

"Do we have to pick her up or are they bringing her?" Carlos asked, fishing his keys out of his pocket.

"I don't know, it depends on what time she's ready I guess. If anything Judd said that they can bring her," TK said rubbing his eye. "But I kind of want to take her."

"What do you want for dinner?" Carlos asked.

"I don't care. Bed sounds better." TK said.

            Carlos laughed looking over his shoulder at his boyfriend as he pushed the door open.

"You would say that." He said.

"Not for that," TK defended but then he thought about it. "Well, maybe for that."

            They both walked into the foyer and slipped off their shoes, putting their keys away and hanging their jackets.

"You were just yawning." Carlos said.

            TK smirked and slipped in front of Carlos, his hands falling to Carlos' waist.

"I could be persuaded to stay awake." He said leaning in close.

"Oh really?" Carlos asked kissing TK lightly.

"Yeah." TK replied, in between kisses.

"Should I come back? Or..." Somebody spoke up, making TK and Carlos jump.

            Carlos turned around and saw Marjan standing in their living room. Carlos opened his mouth but really didn't know what to say, he looked back at TK who was just as confused as to why his coworker was standing in their living room.

"Um, Marjan," Carlos started. "What are you doing here?"

            Marjan smiled.

"I am here to get you changed." She said.

"Yeah, that did not clear anything up." TK said.

"TK your clothes are in Bailey's room, Carlos yours are hanging in the downstairs hall bathroom," Marjan instructed. Both men looked ready to argue but Marjan raised a hand to stop them. "I suggest you follow instructions."

            TK and Carlos exchanged looks and shrugged.

"I'll see you in a minute." Carlos whispered, pressing another light kiss to TK's lips.

            He watched as TK walked up the stairs and then followed his own set of instructions. Hanging on the hook behind the door was a pair of jeans and a nice white dress shirt, a navy-blue blazer hung around it. On the counter a pair of black socks and shoes.

"Okay then." He muttered, quickly changing.

            Many of his bathroom products had been laid out for him. Things like his toothbrush, a comb, and his cologne were lined up in a neat row next to the sink. He quirked a brow but didn't exactly want to piss Marjan off so he went down the row. When he stepped out Marjan was no longer in the living room, instead Paul was in her place.

"Okay, how many of you are here?" Carlos asked.

"I was just about to ask the same question." He heard TK's voice behind him and when he turned his breath caught.

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