Chapter 5

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Carlos and TK made a be-line for the Child Services office. With Bailey at the station they knew that she would be well taken care of and in her current state they didn't want to get her hopes up if there truly wasn't anything that they could do. TK was practically bouncing in his seat as Carlos drove through the Austin streets. In fact, he'd contemplated asking Carlos to flip on the lights just to get them there faster. The moment the cruiser was in park, they were both out and walking swiftly to the front the front door of the building. Since Carlos was still in his uniform the people at the front desk seemed especially helpful.

"We're here to speak to the social worker handling Bailey Williams' case." Carlos said.

"I believe that would be Sable Collins, let me just see if she's in. She had a few home visits today so she may not be back yet." The receptionist said getting up and moving toward the hall.

"Thank you." Carlos smiled.

            TK leaned on the counter while they waited. This was not how he was planning on spending his evening but he was going to fight until he fell if it meant keeping Bailey in Austin. A few minutes later a short and stout woman walked out from the hall and made her way over to them.

"Sable Collins I assume." Carlos said.

            The social worker nodded.

"That's me. Sasha said that you wanted to discuss one of my cases with me, Bailey Williams, right?" She asked.

            TK nodded.

"Yes, that's right. We have some concerns that we'd like to bring to your attention." He said.

            Sable's eyes widened.

"Concerns?" She asked. "By all means follow me. We can talk in my office."

            TK and Carlos followed Sable down the hallway. The walls were lined with artwork but none of it seemed particularly cheerful. It was a gloomy and depressing place for it being occupied by people claiming to be looking out for kids.

"Was the person who designed this place depressed?" TK mumbled to Carlos. "Seriously, would it kill them to add some color?"

            Carlos chuckled but made little sound beyond that. TK was right, the building was incredibly depressing. Sable stopped in front of one of the offices and pushed the already ajar door open, motioning TK and Carlos inside. The couple sat in the two chairs in front of the desk while Sable sat behind it.

"So," She said. "What can I help you with?"

            TK looked at Carlos who shrugged. Might as well get straight to the point.

"We would like to foster Bailey Williams," TK said. "Effective immediately."

            The social worker's eyes widened and she shifted in her seat; they knew that the request was rather abrupt but they couldn't let Bailey be shipped off to El Paso with a family that didn't care for her.

"I don't know if I can authorize this." She said.

"Please, you have to see how this isn't the best thing for her." TK said, gripping Carlos' hand as it rested on his leg.

"I have no one who that is licensed and willing to take her," Sable said, shaking her head. "People are apprehensive about taking a child with any condition and Bailey's is so rare. Nobody is equipped for it."

            TK had to bite his tongue to keep from pointing out how unprepared and unwilling the Hubbards are to help care for Bailey but he needs Sable on his side and tearing into the social worker's current family placement may not be the best way to do that.

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