Chapter 25

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Early Mornings

"How can you wake up this early and not be exhausted all the time?" Bailey muttered as she and TK drove through Austin on their way to the fire house.

TK laughed.

"A lot of practice," He said. "You can crash again when we get to the house, we're almost there."

Bailey nodded. She hadn't even bothered getting dressed beyond a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. She'd packed an extra set of clothes for when she wanted to truly get dressed but she knew that she'd be able to shower and change at the station. TK pulled into his usual parking place and Bailey slid out of the car, yawning again as she did.

"Come on kiddo, the bunks await, I think there's still a weighted blanket in one of the cabinets somewhere. I can try to find it if you want." TK said, knowing that his daughter liked to have the occasional grounding pressure when she slept.

"Yes please." She said through a yawn.

TK chuckled and wrapped his arm lightly around Bailey as they walked inside. She looked like she was sleep walking, her eyes half closed and her head resting on his shoulder. If TK were being honest he wasn't entirely sure that she wasn't sleep walking. Even at 6:30 in the morning, the fire house was bustling as shifts ended and started. Most shifts knew who Bailey was, having seen her around the house and the occasional house barbeque but she was still closest with her dad's crew.

"Bailey!" Mateo called; a wide smile spread across his face as an early morning greeting.

Bailey answered in mumbles though TK thought he heard a 'morning' in their somewhere. He eased her onto the couch for now and Judd pulled a blanket out from underneath the side table, draping it over his honorary niece gently.

"She is really tired." Marjan laughed, nursing a steaming cup of coffee.

TK nodded.

"She's still sleeping off some of the meds that they gave her yesterday." He said, putting some of his and Bailey's things in the kitchen.

Owen came down the stairs and paused when he saw Bailey on the couch.

"No school today?" He asked, looking at TK.

"We're taking a couple days." TK said.

Owen 'ahhh'ed silently and nodded. He was proud of his son for stepping up the way he had been. TK watched Bailey with a trained eye, knowing Bailey's tells and habits well. He expected it when she began to naturally roll onto her side and he jumped forward, wrapping an arm around her and easing her onto her stomach, taking the brunt of the weight off of her injured side. Judd watched in partial awe.

"You know her well." He smiled.

"She's a hardcore stomach sleeper," TK laughed. "I was hoping she wouldn't turn until I got her upstairs but I guess she's staying here now."

"Put her headphones in, she'll be fine." Owen said.

TK pulled Bailey's headphones out of her bag and pressed one into each of her ears, turning on one of her favorite resting playlists. And of course as he hit play, the alarm sounded for a medical call.

"Of course." He mumbled.

TK put Bailey's phone down on the coffee table and ran his fingers through his hair quickly.

"Okay, what do we need to know." Owen asked, seeing the reluctance in his son's eyes.

"Don't let her rest on her left side while she's sleeping, she's good about being cautious though. She knows all of this but I'll let you know anyway. When she wakes up make sure she eats something. She needs to take her meds with breakfast. Oh, and she needs to redress her incision. If I'm back I can help her if not somebody else has to, she can't twist to reach the back portion," TK said closing his eyes, running through his mental checklist. "Yeah that's it."

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