Chapter 7

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The Hard Move

Bailey hadn't been pleased about having to go back to the Hubbards for one more night after hearing that TK and Carlos had been granted guardianship of her. But, she did recognize that the situation required a bit of gentle handling. TK and Carlos had driven her home, promising to be there the moment Sable let them know that the Hubbards had been informed of the custody transfer. Most of the members of the 126 had offered to help move Bailey's things so that the promise was as quick and painless as possible, though nobody expected the Hubbards to let things go quietly. They had been annoyed that Bailey was spending time at the fire house in the first place, to learn that two of them had gained custody would only arouse more upheaval. Because the Hubbards were already in the process of moving, the house had a large amount of boxes strewn about. Bailey had also packed most if not all of her things and had labeled them thoroughly so that her things would be easily found.

            The next morning TK wasn't surprised to see a text from Bailey around 8:30 in the morning, right as he was sitting down with his coffee.

Bailey: Sable just got here, shouldn't be long before you get a call.

TK: We're ready, Judd is going to be there any minute with his truck. Paul, Marjan, and Mateo are on stand-by not far from you and Tommy will be here when we get back.

            TK and told Owen about what was happening but he had an appointment with this oncologist and couldn't reschedule. He had all but demanded that TK send him updates as the day went on.

TK: Are you packed?

Bailey: Pretty much, just packing up the last of my bathroom stuff and a few more art supplies. I just want this whole thing to be done.

            TK nodded as he read Bailey's text, she was almost ready and that meant they were one step closer to getting her out of there.

"Thank you Sable, we are walking out of the house right now," Carlos' voice caught TK's attention. He looked over to where his boyfriend was standing, his phone to his ear. "Yup, we will see you soon. Bye."

            Carlos pushed his phone into his pocket and looked up at TK.

"Time to go." He said.

            Though TK was ready something in Carlos' tone made him move just a bit faster, pouring his coffee in a thermos and scurrying out the door behind his boyfriend. As soon as the car doors were shut Carlos was pulling out of the driveway.

"Carlos, what did Sable say?" TK asked, worried they were driving into a firing zone.

"She said that the Hubbards weren't happy when she told them about the guardianship transfer and that we needed to get there and get Bailey ASAP." He said, probably going a bit faster than the intended speed limit.

            TK exhaled heavily.

"I'll text the others and let them know to be ready to move fast." He said, but looked over at his boyfriend first, taking his hand and squeezing it. "Let's go get our girl."

            Carlos smiled.


Everybody knew to come ready for a fight, but they didn't expect what they found. Having been closer than everybody else, Judd had gotten their first. By the time TK and Carlos pulled up he was already taking boxes from the lawn and pushing them into the bed of his truck. Bailey was running back and forth with boxes, trying to move them quickly.

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