Chapter 26

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Your Choice

Carlos stretched his arms above his head as he walked out to the mailbox at the end of the driveway. When he opened the box there was an orange folder sitting at the base of the mail. He paused before pulling it out. When he saw the return address he smiled. The Texas Child Adoption Agency, the paperwork had finally come. After Bailey's hospital visit earlier in the week, he and TK had finally made the call to get the paperwork to officially adopt Bailey. They still wanted to talk to her and make sure that it was what she wanted but they also wanted to be ready if she decided it was. He walked back inside; his eyes glued to the folder. Bailey was still asleep up in her room but TK was leaning against the kitchen counter sipping at his coffee.

"TK, look what came." He said, catching his boyfriend's attention.

            TK blearily looked up at the folder that Carlos was holding up. As soon as he saw it though he woke up.

"Are those the papers?" He asked.

"Yeah." Carlos said.

            TK's smiled widened.


"Where's Bailey? I looked in her room but she's not in there." TK said.

            Carlos chuckled as he sliced the tomatoes for lunch.

"She's out in the studio." He said, pointing through the kitchen window towards the old shed turned art studio.

            TK laughed.

"I should have known." He said opening the back slider and heading out through the yard.

            When he got to the door he could hear Bailey's music filtering through the walls. He knocked on the door, hoping that he was loud enough to be heard over the music. The music cut off mid lyric and then he heard Bailey bustling around. A few curses later the door cracked open.

"Yeah?" She asked.

            TK laughed at her appearance, she had paint in a couple places on her face and he could tell that she had paint all over her hands by the way she was holding the door.

"Can I come in?" TK asked.

"Umm," Bailey hummed. "I'm kind of in the middle of a project that I'd like to keep secret until it's done. I'll come out there, just give me a minute."

            Bailey looked went to close the door but TK stopped her.

"Hold on Bails, it's okay, I was just coming to ask you to come in for a bit. Carlos and I want to talk to you about something and lunch is almost ready." He said.

"Oh," Bailey said, a relieved smile on her face. "Okay, can I have like ten more minutes, just to set some stuff aside?"

"Yeah" TK nodded.

"Thanks dad." She smiled pushing the door shut gently.

            TK smiled as he walked back to the house, looking over his shoulder once before walking inside.


            True to her word, Bailey walked in the house ten minutes later. Carlos had set the BLTs out on the table for lunch and Bailey smiled. She'd washed her hands in the studio so she sat down as soon as she walked in. BLTs, as TK and Carlos had discovered, were one of Bailey's favorite things. She'd devour anything with bacon but BLTs were at the top of the list by far.

"Okay, so now that you're here," Carlos said. "We wanted to talk to you about something."

            Bailey froze, her hands mid reach for her sandwich. She slowly tucked her hands back under the table and wrung them with her napkin.

"Am I in trouble?" She asked, suddenly feeling small.

            Carlos' eyes widened when he realized how that must have sounded. Being moved from home to home as many times as Bailey had been, that same sentence must have preceded a move on a number of occasions.

"Oh, God no mija. Not even close." He assured her.

            Bailey relaxed and took a deep breath.

"Oh, okay." She said.

            TK gently placed a hand on her arm and rubbed her shoulder.

"We wanted to talk to you about the way things are right now and if you like them?" He asked.

            Bailey's brow furrowed.

"If I like them?" She asked.

"Yeah, if you're happy here," TK continued. "With us."

"Am I happy?" Bailey said and TK and Carlos held their breath for a moment. "I love it here."

            TK and Carlos both smiled as Bailey spoke.

"I've never felt so comfortable in a house, and it doesn't just feel like four walls and a roof, it feels like a home, my home. And everything you have done for me, the studio and with all of the hospital visits and my PTSD. And having the 126 is so cool." She said.

            TK swallowed the lump in his throat. She really was happy here, with them. He looked at Carlos who's smile looked about as wide as his. He gave him a nod and Carlos placed a manilla folder on the table and slid it across the table to her.

"What's this?" Bailey asked, tenderly running her fingers across the surface.

"It's something that will make things more official." TK said. "Nothing changes, well, maybe a few things but things will be more secure."

"Is this..." Bailey tapered off as she flipped the folder open.

            As her eyes scanned the pages her hand flew to her mouth and tears pooled in her eyes.

"Adoption papers." TK nodded.

"All filled out and ready to be sent in. We just wanted to make sure that this is something that you wanted." Carlos said.

            Bailey looked up and her eyes were filled with pure joy.

"Yes," She said, her voice catching. "Yes."

            Bailey stood and practically through herself at her fathers. TK gave up trying to hold back his tears when Bailey clung to him and Carlos. She would officially be their girl; she would officially be there daughter.

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