Training and Solutions

Start from the beginning

You could say it's a copy, but in this case it's an American copy only that the Americans added an extra plastic helmet under the steel helmet and a few significant differences, but in general you could be mistaken if the Salamander doesn't have its own paint.

The Altaras chose this helmet for one reason, to distinguish themselves from the Poles wearing the wz.67 helmet. Another thing is that the 67 was modeled after the 31. Going back to the description, another change is that they wore Polish rogatywka but with a star from their flag instead of an eagle. 

Needless to say, the introduction of the Polish cap into the Altaras armed forces came as a surprise to the Poles, who remembered the Soviet pressure to change the cornets into Soviet style caps. It was only thanks to the persistence of many military men that this did not happen.

The biggest difference was their banner specially sewn for this division by a group of tailors from the capital Altaras. It was modelled on Polish banners, but of course with changed colors of Gruwald's cross being on Polish ones and with the emblem of Altaras kingdom.

In a nutshell, these soldiers were the beginning of the modernization of the Altaran military. It was a division made up of volunteers from all branches of their armed forces and new people interested in joining the regular forces. 

Needless to say, it was the result of the Polish-Altarans agreement signed and announced in the Kingdom. It is interesting to note that the division itself is organizationally modeled on the original 1st Infantry Division, or more accurately its original organization.

The actual 1st Division is already mechanized today and it would be foolish to open the same organization in the Army, which was just becoming quite modern, let alone talk about its mechanization. 

It is true that Altaras could afford to buy the appropriate equipment and licenses, but so what if there is no adequate technological and production base for its maintenance. It is easier to organize it into something more than medieval banners, which is de facto their army.

The soldiers themselves felt the tension, they had been trained since the end of the so-called Majówka. That is, a week in which there are two or, if you prefer, three holidays making it free from work. This year it was exceptional, because the 1st of May fell on Wednesday, which made the whole week free.

Poles simply took a vacation on May 1st. What Poles do then surprised everyone, namely barbecue. With lots of fire-roasted meats such as sausages, which quickly Altaran soldiers liked being a few classes better than theirs, or liver and a few other very tasty delicacies, plus this year's Majówka is special because for the first time in many years there was no lack of meat for everyone.

The holidays themselves were very strange for everyone. Namely, the 1st of May was celebrated as Labor Day. For the invited Japanese it was the least, because they know such holidays from their world. What rather surprised them was, of course, the Japanese from the embassy transferred from the PRL, how this holiday is celebrated. 

Namely, on this day there are parades in all cities and towns filled with marching factory workers and farmers from the PGR. There are also scouts and young people from party organizations. Full of Polish flags and banners.

For the rest of the natives, that is the soldiers of Altaras with their princess Lumies, as for a French-similar-speaking country their names do not have too much in common with French, and envoys from countries met by Japan that is Que-Toyne and Quila the momentum of the parade in Warsaw was simply unimaginable and showed them the Polish economic power.

And the happiness coming from the crowd of people in the march and watching was contagious even though they did not understand what the Commendatore and the people were saying.

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