"Then why are you in there?" Shadedmoon retorted. Even though she knew the answer, it was the only response she could think of.

Nutwhisker sighed, "You know why. I'm the medicine cat, I need to treat him. Now go out on patrol or something."

"Fine." Shadedmoon sighed and turned away but not before calling, "Hey Stormflame! It's me, Shadedmoon! Get well soon! We can't have our deputy getting sick."

A muffled mumble came in reply and Nutwhisker stared at Shadedmoon with a blank expression. "Go." He growled.

"Alright, I'm going!" Shadedmoon grumbled, "Calm down."


Stormflame's POV:

Though the nursery was meant to be a den for kits and queens, and was supposed to be a bright and friendly environment Stormflame felt nervous. It was as if the den, when empty, turned into some kind of mysterious and sinister den. Stray vines hung around the den walls and small shoots of grass had grown through the stale moss.

It was quite unpleasant to say the least.

But Stormflame understood the importance in staying inside the den until he was cleae of Greencough. He didn't like it though.

Nutwhisker padded inside and meowed, "How are you feeling? Ferverish perhaps? Is your throat hurting?"

"No." Stormflame replied with a bored flick of his tail, "Hungry and thirsty, but not feeling sick. It's pretty boring in here too."

"I'm sorry to have to keep you here alone, but you know how dangerous Greencough is." Nutwhisker stepped closer and bent down to inspect Stormflame, looking thoroughly for any signs of sickness. After a few seconds, he straightened and meowed, "I'll get one of the apprentices to bring you some wet moss and I'll see what's on the fresh kill pile for you to eat."

"Thanks Nutwhisker." Stormflame meowed and stretched onto his back with a sigh. "I feel useless here. I should be providing food for the clan but instead I'm stuck in here."

"Every warrior feels like that when they are stuck in the medicine den." Nutwhisker meowed, "And still, after all these moons I still don't have a good answer for you except for 'You'll get out soon enough.'"

"I hope." Stormflame grumbled and watched as Nutwhisker left the den.


Silverstar's POV:

Silverstar climbed down the Hightree and padded up to Clearlight. "You need to get the patrols sorted." She smiled and Clearlight flashed a small smile in return.

"Okay." Clearlight turned away from Silverstar and faced the warriors who had crowded around him. "Which patrols have already been sorted out by Stormflame?"

Cloudsun raised his head up from behind Bumblestrike and pricked his ears. The young warrior meowed, "The Dawn patrol to the Magiclan border and a hunting patrol at Sunhigh have already been sorted I think.."

Ashleg nodded silently. The young grey tom had matured incredibly since his warrior ceremony. Silverstar was quite amazed at his sudden change in personality. He obeyed rules and stayed extremely loyal to the clan. He usually volunteered to go on extra patrols or help out at camp. Though he still teased and joked with Stormflame; being the deputy's apprentice had given him confidence which was a perfect match with his loyalty. He was a great warrior of Lightclan.

Clearlight's voice broke through her thoughts and Silverstar heard him announce, "I'll lead a second Dawn patrol to the Monsterclan border with Mousenose, Fluffystream and Snowshadow. Also... Sunpatch, you lead a hunting patrol down to the Leaf-bare hunting grounds. It should be open now. Bring two other warriors with you."

Sunpatch chose Foxclaw and Blazemoon for his patrol and the three broke away from the shrinking crowd and followed Bumblestrike's border patrol out of camp. Clearlight swept his long, thick tail across the ground and lead his patrol out as well, leaving the rest of the warriors to their own devices until the next set of patrols were sent out.

Silverstar decided to go and check on Stormflame. She had to be quiet and quick so that Nutwhisker didn't see.

She ducked inside the den and whispered, "Stormflame?"

His black head popped up from inside a nest and Silverstar felt a sad purr rise up in her. His icy blue eyes were dull from boredom and his ears drooped slightly. "Silverstar? Why are you here? You'll get sick!" He whisper-yelled urgently.

"I don't believe all that you have Greencough." Silverstar retorted and settled down beside Stormflame. "Anyway, I just came in to see how you are doing."

"Well, as you can see I'm doing perfectly fine." Stormflame meowed and rested his head on his paws. "I'm just really useless here..."

Silverstar reached over and licked her mate behind the ears, "It's okay, don't be sad. You'll be out of here in no time. Then we can hunt and patrol together again."

"I hope..." Stormflame meowed softly and glanced up at Silverstar. "But what if I do have Greencough? Then I'll be stuck in the medicine den..."

Silverstar pressed herself against Stormflame and mumbled, "You would have had symptoms by now. Don't worry, you'll be out soon." She stood up and stretched before turning for the exit of the den. "See you later Stormflame." She murmured before slinking out of the den, checking incase anyone saw her.


Warriors: The Fading Light ~Series 1 Book 5~Where stories live. Discover now