Chapter 8:

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Gildarts kicked open the door while I stared in shock. I wasn't in shock that he kicked the door open- he seemed like the person to do that, I was surprised that no one payed any mind to it. Well, except for a brown haired girl who rolled her eyes, and a silver haired girl who just smiled. And then they noticed me.

"There's a new person!" Silver Hair said excitedly. Suddenly, everyone's attention turned to me. I got nervous.

"Oi! Shrimp! How was training?" Gajeel asked with a smug smile.

"She did better than you did, Gajeel," Gildarts answered for me.

"No way! No one can beat me," he laughed.

"You asking for a fight, Metal Head?!" Natsu shouted.

"I wasn't speaking to ya Salamander!" Gajeel yelled back.

They began a huge brawl that eventually most of the guild participated in. I stared in shock as Gildarts laughed.

"And this, is Fairy Tail," he said with a chuckle.

"Th-They're so ... violent," I said, dumbfounded. I would have thought a huge organization like this would have been all seriousness.

"They have to get their energy out somehow. The people who were given jobs that have them remain here have too much energy, sometimes they need to let it out. Plus, this allows them to hone their combat skills they were taught by yours truly. Although if I had to guess, Erza will step in any moment when someone-"

"WHO THREW THAT?!" We heard Erza yell angrily.

The war-cries and cheers of the brawl were replaced with screams of agony and terror as Erza bested every single one of them.

"Now, I ask again. Who. Threw. That," she asked, giving a dangerous look.

Everyone pointed to Natsu and a boy with black hair and . . . NO CLOTHES ON?!

"You idiots ruined my cake. You shall pay with your lives," she said, pulling a sword out of nowhere and holding it away from her like she was about to strike. I backed up in fear. The boys shook with fear.

"And Gray, put your damn clothes on. We have a newcomer and we don't need you influencing her like Juvia," Erza said.

"What- but that's not my fault that crazy woman is in love with me!" He argued.

"Talking back I see?" She asked with a glare, moving her wrist to indicate she still had her sword present and they should be very, very afraid. Oh, and they were. And so was I.

"N-No ma'am I would never!" He sweated profusely, nervously eyeing the sword.

"Now Erza, don't act so harsh in front of the new girl. Look, she's terrified," the silver haired girl said nicely but with a bit of sternness. Her, Lucy, and myself and Gildarts seemed to be the only ones who didn't partake in the fighting. Meaning we didn't get hurt by Erza.

"Hm?" Erza looked at me. Unfortunately, her sword moved with her and it looked like she was about to strike me instead. I fell backwards and yelped.

"Ah, sorry Levy. Here I'll put it away, I forgot you weren't used to this," she said somehow back to her normal self. She put the sword back into the scabbard I just now noticed was tied around her waist, below her armored chestplate. She reached a hand and I took it, still on the floor.

"So, how was your training?" She asked as if multiple of her "guildmates" weren't beaten up on the floor. I sweat dropped.

These people are crazy . . .

"Fine I guess. I'm tired though," I said.

"As expected. Training with Gildarts does take a lot out of you," she said.

"What's that supposed to mean," he mumbled.

"So Gildarts, do you think she'll be ready to go on a mission with us in a few days? Jellal and I have set up the necessary things for a four person group," Erza asked, completely ignoring his comment that even though he mumbled, could still be heard.

"I don't think, I know. She's a natural talent. Sometimes I wonder if it's been her entre life she's been in an apocalypse instead of a few years," he answered.

She then asked me if I was alright with going in a few days. I nodded. But her next words caught me off guard.

"Natsu will be coming with us," she said.

"Wh-What?! But then you guys might fight the whole time," I said.

"He wouldn't fight with Erza if he knows what's good for him," Gildarts replied.

"But he doesn't, that's the problem," Erza added.

As they began talking about the mission and what skill he should train me in next, a quick motion caught my eye. My glance flickered to the silver haired girl from earlier, trying to wave me over. She caught my glance and smiled. I glanced back to Gildarts and Erza, who were still talking, and slipped away from them unnoticed and over to the bar, where the girl was. I sat down and she smiled.

"Hey! I've heard a lot about you Levy. It's so great to meet you! Want a drink?" She asked. I smiled.

"Yeah I'd love one."

She came back with a glass of water and I drank it quickly.

"Want another? Training with Gildarts is tough work, so I'm prepared and willing to give you as many glasses as you want," she said.

"Thank god. Yes please," I slumped down, losing all formality that I had. She laughed and poured me another glass. We talked as I drank.

"My name is Mirajane but you can call me Mira. I'm the bartender here but I also go on S Class missions occasionally," she said.

"You're a part of the scavenger team? What's an S Class mission?" I asked.

"Yes, that's my field. An S Class mission is basically a regular mission but in an area way more overrun with zombies than the usual missions. Only the most experienced and the most responsible are permitted to take them," she said.

"Who else is permitted?" I asked.

"Well there's me, Erza, the co-founders of course, Gildarts, the dragonslayer team, and the Thunder Legion," she said.

"The dragonslayer team is Gajeel and Natsu right?" I asked.

"Yes. And Laxus, who is one of the co-founders' grandson. He has his own team, kind of like his bodyguards, called the Thunder Legion," she explained.

"And they're allowed to go on S Class missions as well?" I asked.

"You got it," she smiled and poured me my fifth glass of water. I told her it would be my last one and she placed the pitcher of water down. And leaned forward, resting on the counter.

"Now, tell me about you!" She said with a smile you just couldn't say no to.

So I told her. About my friends, my life throughout the apocalypse, how I met Gajeel, all the way up to now, while once again leaving out some . . . personal parts. All the while she nodded thoughtfully listening to every word that was spoken.

"Well, you've had quite a tough life even for a survivor. But don't worry, we all share at least some of your feelings. Everyone here knows what you're dealing with because in some way, they've dealt with it too. You are never truly alone when apart of Fairy Tail," she said as she began washing a glass.

"Mira! Another mug of booze please!" Yelled the brown haired girl from earlier who sat around 5 seats away. The bar was mostly empty, it was the tables that were filled with people. Some tables were even joined together to seat one big group.

"Coming right up!" She yelled back. She excused herself and with a never-altered smile, left to serve the girl her order.

I sat at the bar contemplating what Mira had said.

I'm never truly alone as long as I'm apart of Fairy Tail. That's a nice thought. Too bad it's not true. Sorry Mira, I know you're trying to help, but don't give false hope. I'll never be apart of anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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