Chapter 3:

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I looked at him, not knowing what to think. Him of all people, knows how to get to the meeting place?!

"What?!" I yelled, finally speaking.

"Zip it Shrimp, you might attract more of the damned things with your yelling. Yeah I know where it is and how to get there. So you coming or not?" He asked.

"Yeah of course!" I said happily.

"Great. I assume you know that it's North. Let's go," he said as he started walking.

"Wait! You're walking towards that town! It's overrun by zombies!" I warned.

"Not anymore Shrimp. How do ya think I got here? I didn't just walk around the whole town," he said sarcastically.

"Y-You . . . killed them all?!" I asked in shock. There must have been at least 30 of them there when I saw it!

"Yep. Now come on. We've wasted enough time as it is. Let's get your shrimpy self back to Fairy Tail," he said.

"Fairy Tail? What's that?" I asked, ignoring the shrimpy comment.

"The organization, or as you other survivors call it, 'the meeting place.' Fairy Tail is it's official name. It's a safe haven for survivors, and the home of the developing vaccine," he explained.

"Vaccine? You mean the zombification cure?" I asked.

"Yep. It's in testing stages. There are two types. The vaccine and the cure. The vaccine makes it so you can't get it. The cure reverses those who are already affected. Basically, it can turn zombies back to normal people. Blondie and her team are working on it," he said.

He must have been referring to one of the organization's members when he said "Blondie." Does he have a nickname for everyone?!

"Um, what's your name actually?" I asked as we walked. He had said it was better to walk so we don't run out of energy right away.

"The names Gajeel Redfox. What's yours, Shrimp?" He asked.

"Levy. Levy McGarden," I smiled.

"Nah, I like Shrimp better, gihee," he smirked. I groaned.

"What was the point of asking then?!" I said, annoyed.

"Well Shrimp, your mind can't comprehend the intelligence of Gajeel Logic," he said proudly.

"Gajeel Logic? Really?" I sweat dropped. I decided to ignore that.

"How long will it take to get to the meeting base?" I asked.

"Sick of me already Shrimp? It takes 3 to 4 days, taking into consideration of how many zombies we have to fight," he said.

"So 3 days if everything is fine, and 4 if we encounter multiple zombies," I thought out loud.

"You sure use some big words, Shrimp. Yer a smart one. Blondie could use yer help," he commented.

Didn't he say I wasn't smart enough to understand his logic? Pick one you idiot! Am I smart or am I dumb?!

"I'd be glad to help if it means this whole thing can be over faster," I said happily.

"Then you'll have to meet the old man. He's the head of it all. The one who started Fairy Tail, along with that other shortie," he said.

"Other shortie?" I questioned.

"Yeah. She's the co-founder of this thing. She's the one who thought of making a cure in the first place. She's smart I'll give ya that," he said.

"Is she the one you refer to as 'Blondie?'" I questioned him.

"Nah, Blondie's one of the team leaders. There are 3 of em. Well, 3 teams. Her team takes care of the cure. She was appointed leader by the co-founder herself. She's one of the smartest people we got," he said.

"Really? Is she nice?" I asked, now interested.

"Yeah, so much it annoys me. Although she knocks some sense into Salamander so I guess I have to like her for that reason," he said.

"Salamander? Wow you really do have nicknames for everyone," I sweat dropped.

"No use explaining them to ya now. You'll just meet em later," he said.

"Alright," I said.

We walked in silence for the rest of the day. We passed two more towns, earning us a surprisingly good amount of supplies. Next thing I knew we were searching for a place to camp out for the night.

The next two days were the same. Waking up, walking, eating, raiding a couple towns, more walking, and then sleeping it all off. We hadn't seen a single zombie since we started. It made me kind of suspicious, but at least we were making good time. We were on our third day of travelling to the organization named Fairy Tail.

"Alright let's take a break, Shrimp," Gajeel said, breaking the silence.


We sat down on the floor of a grocery store. It had already been raided by the time we arrived, but it still made a pretty good resting place.

"So how far away are we now?" I asked.

"5 hours at most. We're almost there Shrimp don't worry," he said.

"Alright. Should we eat to get our energy up?" I asked.

"Yeah sure," he said.

I got out a small loaf of slightly stale bread and broke it in half. It was the kind that's sold in bakerys that are never cut into pieces. I gave him a half and we ate. 10 minutes later we set out again.

We were 3 hours in when the next zombie attack came.

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