smg4: the final piece

Start from the beginning

bob: wow, he got even uglier


(̷̷̵Y̷̷̶/̶̶̸N̶̴̵)̷̵̶: you can have him back, all i request is the avatar

swag then flies up to his level in the helicopter

swag: how about you suck on my avatar

he then fires rockets at (̷̷̵Y̷̷̶/̶̶̸N̶̴̵)̷̵̶ but he hold out his right staff hand and made them freeze in place, he then throw his arm up and the rockets fly into another part of the castle and blow up upon impact, he then starts to use his new found telekinesis to grab a hold of the helicopter as i gains a red glow

swag: oh poop

the helicopter then started falling towards everyone making them get out of the way before it fell on them, (̷̷̵Y̷̷̶/̶̶̸N̶̴̵)̷̵̶ jumps of the castle and onto the bridge letting out a chuckle as he walks into the castle, with smg4 he is holding mario in his room panicking trying to find somewhere to find him, he hears a bang outside his room making him look at the door in worry, it appeared (̷̷̵Y̷̷̶/̶̶̸N̶̴̵)̷̵̶ or zero was kicking open every door until he found mario, he goes through several rooms not finding the avatar, we then see smg4 trying to stuff mario in a chest, zero then breaks open the door not seeing smg4 anywhere in his room, he hears something from smg4's computer causing him to look at it, the computer then shows him some memes, while zero is distracted with confusion smg4 sneaks behind him and then makes a break for his door, zero the turns and lets out a roar, smg4 is in the main area of the castle looking for a place to hide the chest he is holding, zero the lands a few feet away from him, he then picks up a toad using telekinesis and throws him at smg4, smg4 then throws the chest away and dodges the toad, he lands on his knees and catches the chest, zero gets more annoyed he then picks up an entire ball of toads, he then launches them separately but repeatedly at smg4, smg4 manages to dodge them all, zero now even more annoyed decides to use his telekinesis to pick up smg4 by the neck, smg4 then gives in

smg4: ok, ok fine! TAKE HIM

he then throws the chest to zero who lets him go, zero walks to the chest while chuckling evilly, he opens it to find smg3 pointing a shotgun at his head, he fires without any hesitation making zero's head do a 180 degrees spin and his head was now backward, smg3 then jumps out the chest

smg3: what a dingus. mario's not here!

he then ran over to smg3's side

smg4: haha! we hid him! and you'll never find him!

the two the holding their throats struggling to breath as zero was strangling them now furious, zero the snapped his head the right way round, saiko then kicks open the door as everyone then surrounds zero

smg1: let him go zero! you're surrounded!

zero then tightens his telekinetic grip on the two italians' neck

zero: tell me where he is now or theses two are dead

melony then puts her hand on zero's shoulder

melony: (Y/N)... please... stop

zero looks looks behind him without turning

melony: we're your friends...

zero lowers his arm and looks down for a moment, he then turns around and kicks melony into a wall, he then blocks a sword strike from shadow and punches him into a wall as well, this shocks everyone, zero then turns and raises his arm, melony looks up at him

melony: zero...

she then gets up wielding her sword

melony: if you wont stop hurting my friend... then i'll hurt you!!

a sleepy god and a shadow [Discontinued] (melony x male reader) (smg4)Where stories live. Discover now