Chapter 1

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15. May, 11 am

The entire room was crowded with terrified, ill-dressed people. Around 50 young females stood on one side of the room, wearing robes that could barely conceal their private parts and wearing chains around their wrists and ankles. Some had a lifeless expression on their faces, while others couldn't stop crying.

Some were better taken care of while others looked like skeletons with their bones protruding through their skin. The room was filled with gasps, whispers, and sobs from these poor girls. The air in the room was thick with an overwhelming amount of fear. It filled everyone with dread.

A few of them even vomited. I can't say I blame them. Today, we were all on death row. Only a few of us will live to see tomorrow, and those who do will undoubtedly regret it.

On the other side, there were around 20 guys, who were not much better clothed than the girls. Each of us was assigned a number, and there I was, second in line, with the number two written on my shoulder in dark ink. I tried looking for my sister among the ladies, but due to my poor vision, I couldn't see past the first ten.

There's a good probability she isn't even here. I last saw her yesterday, throughout the day when we were getting our meals. That's the one time when everyone is together, but the boys aren't permitted to approach or speak to the ladies, so all I could do was watch.

The shopkeepers usually ensured that she was well-fed and that she appeared as attractive as possible, but something changed a few days ago. I couldn't see her clearly, but she appeared to be in shambles.

She was always frail and prone to bruises, making her the ideal little toy for one of these bloodsuckers. Even though I wasn't sure whether she was in this room, I was desperate to see her one final time. If she is here, I pray whoever buys her gives her a quick death. She wouldn't be able to take a lot of pain.

My heart broke at the thought. I felt so guilty that she suffered so much. Not that I was ever in a position to help her in any way, but still as her older brother I felt a certain responsibility for her.

The door opened, and the shopkeeper and the first client walked in. I lowered my head.

"Please take your time and make a wise decision, Lord Chamberwood." The shopkeeper stated.

"Don't refer to me as that. I'm Calius, Lord Chamberwood is my brother "The vampire who had just entered the chamber said.

"Please accept my apologies, Calius I-"

"Now that I think about it," he corrected, "Simply Sir will suffice."

I'm guessing the so-called Calius looked around a bit before settling on me.

"What's wrong with this one?" He questioned.

"That there is number two. His blood type is AB negative and he is an albino male. Age 19. He doesn't have any physical flaws; he simply lacks pigment. Oh, he does have a defect after all. His vision is shitty, but I think his purple eyes make up for it."

The vampire paused for a few moments in silence before walking to the opposite side of the room.

"There's another," Calius pointed out.

She's here.

"Number 34, an excellent choice, but she is not for sale."

"What is she doing here if she isn't for sale?"

"She's only here for publicizing."


"Okay, then, I'll take both of them. Put them on a leash and bring them to me in the next room." As he walked out the door, Calius said.

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