Chapter 46: The whole's unravelled

Start from the beginning

"He talked about, you know... our break up, and the fact he's happy about it."

"A-And that's it, nothing else?"

"Yeah, why?"

"He's a prick, who knows what lies he scatters," I told her, which was true and at the same time somehow a lie.

"Agree with you on that one," she said. "But um, is everyone asleep? Why are you still awake?"

"If you're wanting to know if Baek's asleep, he is. I'm awake because I'm not sleepy, why else?"

"You didn't have to be a jerk about it, gosh. I was just asking," Eunmi said.

It was silent again. I didn't dare look at her because I knew the moment I do, I wouldn't care about our relations and what we really were, and I would beg for her to come back to me no matter how wrong it was. We were alone and yet it was as if we were strangers, like we had not once bonded. Truthfully, it was the saddest thing.

I stood up and began making my way towards the hall to go to my bedroom, but her voice halted me.

"Why did you really do it?" she whispered.

"Do what?" I asked, not turning around to face her because I knew exactly what she was asking.

"You know what I'm talking about, Kyungsoo," she said.

"I already told you, didn't I? You're a fan and I'm an idol, it won't work."

I could then hear her footsteps coming nearer and the next thing I knew, she was standing in front of me. It was evident she wanted to cry because tears brimmed her eyes, making them glossy. I definitely didn't want to talk about this, especially not with her, not now that we were completely alone while the others slept.

"No, you're lying. If you thought it wouldn't work out, you wouldn't have told me you were my boyfriend. You wouldn't have acted nice to me and led me onto believing that we were actually going to last. So, I'm sorry if I don't believe your lie. Just tell me the truth, please."


"What's going on out here?"

We both looked at the person and found Baekhyun coming out with his dishevelled hair, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Once he was awake enough, his eyes alternated between Eunmi and I.

"Eunmi, what are you doing here?" he asked her, and then turning to me. "What are you guys talking about?"

"His dad was at our house and I came here because I don't want to be there right now," she told him.

"I was just telling her she could sleep here for tonight," I lied.

"Oh," Baek murmured. "Then come, Eunmi. You can sleep on my bed tonight, I can take the floor."

They walked off, leaving me by myself. I thought I would have gotten used to seeing them together by now, but it only hurt every time. Parts of my heart still ripped whenever I watched them, making every day a little harder to breathe. However, at the same time, I couldn't help but think of the fact that what I was feeling for her was wrong. I shouldn't be feeling the way I felt at all.


When I woke up, Eunmi was no longer in our dorm, as I had expected anyway. My mood was neutral and sort of calm, but the thought of my father paying her a visit last night turned all of that upside down. I knew he didn't just got there to tell her he was happy of our break-up, definitely not. Eunmi must have walked out before he could even say what he was planning to, and so I decided I would find out for myself.

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