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3 months later...

Yuna's POV

"Tae, baby," I run my fingers through his as he peacefully sleeps on my lap with his ear on my belly, "Wake up. My back hurts from sitting too long".

"Yes, dear," he groans as he gets up and stretches, "I was sensing our baby and watching his dreams."

I gasp. Did he say he? Or did I hear wrong? "He?"

"Yes," he smiles, "It's a baby boy," he rubs his nose on mine.

"How long did you know this for?" I ask. 

"I've had a doubt for a few weeks," he smiles with his adorable bed hair, "I just confirmed it today. His dreams seem so calming, my dear."

"What are his dreams?" I ask curiously. Taehyung started sensing our baby from when it turned two months. He would watch his dreams and tell me what they were. Mostly, his dreams were just noises and things he heard from outside. Once Taehyung told me that he was dreaming the song Taehyung wrote and sang for him. I always felt my heart melt into puddles when I hear that. Taehyung could also sense the baby's discomfort. He often tells me, "Dear... not to make you feel bad or uncomfortable but I think the baby isn't feeling great in your position. Just turn this way. Perfect," he'd end it with a satisfied grin. 

"He dreamt Yoongi's guitar," Taehyung grins, "I could hear Yoongi playing his guitar."

I gasp, "Really?" 

"Yes," he kisses my belly, "He's dreaming everything he hears."

"I think he's a genius," I chuckle, "He's gonna be so lucky."

"He'll be the luckiest kid alive," Taehyung kisses my knuckles, "And he'll have so many siblings."

I blush at his statement. Taehyung had already made several plans for the future. He said that we'd have at least five kids and if possible, move into the castle or buy a bigger house. He rejected all my protests against buying a bigger house by saying, "They're kids. They'll need a lot of space to run around and play," he'd say it like our current mansion was a hut. Our current mansion is so huge, I used to get lost and end up frustrated. I can't imagine myself navigating a house bigger than this. 

"Aren't you going to the company?" I ask, "What if they need you?"

"You need me more," he shrugs, "I don't care about my company. It's not that hard to build another one."

Taehyung hadn't left my side ever since the test report came back positive. He took care of everything himself. He would help me bathe even though I was fine doing it myself. Sometimes he'd even watch me at night reasoning that he doesn't want to waste a millisecond to help if I required something. He'd feed me, dress me, help me walk even though I can walk perfectly. Sometimes he even misses out on his own things. He'd forget to eat or something and I'd end up scolding him. Yoongi called him creepy but I could understand his worries. He lost me and his child once. He wasn't going to take another chance and let that happen. 

"It's okay if you leave me for some time you know-" I try to reason but he cuts me off, "No, it's not okay."

"Okay, fine," I frown, "At least go eat something!"

"I'll ask the maids to bring something," he says as he gets up and walks to the door. He opens the door and yells, "Ahjumma!"

"Can you bring us something to eat?" He asks. I facepalm. He can't even leave me in the room and go downstairs. After a minute or so, I hear footsteps, "Yes, young master. I can get you food. What would you like to eat?"

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