𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒱𝐼𝐼

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Taehyung's POV

"Have you found who posted that?" I ask.

"Yes, sir," my secretary says, "He's in the waiting room."

"Okay," Take off my coat, "Give us some time alone."

"Alright," he takes my coat and opens the door for me.

I walk inside to see a man wearing a red hoodie.

"Oh, hey," he smirks, "You got here so fast. Did you teleport?"

"I might have," I sit down.

"Who's the girl?" He chuckles, "A one night stand?"

I glare at him, "My queen."

"Queen?" He laughs, "So, is she your girlfriend? Or wife?"

The thought of calling her MY wife felt so good. I could feel myself calm down almost immediately thinking about living with her and starting a family with her. Waking up next to her every day, loving her, taking care of her and our kids, giving her pleasure, having someone to go home to and being loved by her. I close my eyes and push all my thoughts aside.

"She's," I breathe in, "She is my girlfriend."

"Jeez," he says, "Never thought a rich guy like you would go for a college graduate."

"I'll go for whatever I want," I grit my teeth.

"What do you want me to do man?" He leans back, "Cause I'm not taking down that video. It got me a few thousands."

"I do not need you to take it down," I say, "I just want you to state that it's fake."

"You're crazy," He laughs, "You're never getting me to do that." 

"Oh, really?" I stare into his eyes.

"W-what?" He stutters.

"You'll release a public statement that the video was fake," I order.

"I'll release a public statement that the video was fake," he repeats.

"The video is fake," I state.

"The video is fake," He repeats.

I break the eye contact, "You're good to go."

"Okay, sir," he says and leaves.

"That wasn't so hard," I stand up and walk outside.

"Is everything okay, sir?" My secretary asks.

"Yeah, the video was fake and he agreed to release a public statement about it," I reply.

"Oh, thank the Lord!" he praises.

"I'll be leaving," I say and walk out.

I need to get to my dear. She must be wanting answers. Even though I'm lying, she'll have answers, that's enough. I go into the bathroom and teleport to my house. I feel bad for lying but soon she'd learn all of the truth, so I hope she forgives me.

I walk inside the room to see her reading a book.

"You like reading?" I startle her.

"Oh," she shuts the book, "I was bored so I just..."

"It's okay," I go near her, "If you were bored, you could have gone downstairs to watch TV."

"I didn't know if you'd like that," she replies.

"You can use whatever you want in this house," I say softly.

"Any leads on my grandfather?" She asks.

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