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Taehyung's POV

"Come, dear," I gently pull her up, "I'll show you around."

"Oh, where are we?" She asks.

"We're at the castle of Luxon," I take her hand and walk outside the room, "Luxon was our country's name."

"Oh," she smiles, "That's a beautiful name."

"Isn't it?" I grin, "It was a beautiful country too. You're gonna love the castle."

"Wait," she stops, "Are we still in Egypt?"

"Yes," I nod.

"How come we never found this castle?" She asks.

"Because it's blanketed from the world," I reply, "I covered it with my powers. Only those who I want in here can see it from the outside."

"Oh," she says, "So, I can see?"

"Of course," I say as I swing our hands, "I'm so happy, my dear. I'm over the moon."

"Is that so?" She giggles and puts her arm around my waist.

"Yes," I drape my arm around her shoulder, "You're amazing. I love you."

"I love you too," she replies.

"You know," I start slowly, "All of the maids and guards here love you. They've known you for years too."

"What?" She giggles, "Really?"

"Yes. You're their queen," I reply.

"What?" She asks.

"I'm still their king, my dear," I chuckle, "If you're my wife then you're the queen."

"But what is left to rule? Those are mere titles, Taehyung," she replies with a smile.

"You'll be a queen no matter what, my dear," I kiss her head, "Are you hungry? There's a lot of food here."

"Yes," she grins, "I'm very hungry."

"Let's go," I smile.


"This place is really beautiful, Taehyung," my dear compliments, "I love it."

"Then we can live here," I suggest, "We can live here forever. Just us and our future family."

"You planned ahead?" She giggles, "Kids and all?"

"Yes, I want so many kids with you," I kiss her cheek, "I'll take care of you."

"It's painful, Taehyung," she sighs, "I'm traumatised seeing that pregnant woman cry in pain."

"Which pregnant woman?" I ask.

"Oh, we had a neighbour and she was pregnant. She went into labour one day and she was crying so much. She was screaming. It looked like it hurt a lot," she frowns.

"Dear," I smile, "It won't hurt for you. I can make sure of that."

"How?" She asks.

"You see, I have this venom," I explain slowly, "I can use it to numb anyone. I can use my venom on you and you won't feel pain."

"Really?" She asks.

"Yes," I reply smiling, "We can make as many kids as we want and you won't feel an ounce of pain."

"Wow," she turns around in the bed facing me, "You're so incredible."

"Only for you," I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, "Remember that day... in the office? You were scared to do it with me?"

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