☆ part 6 ☆

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A quick A/n:

(I wrote part 5 and forgot to publish it. To be honest I forgot about this fic sorry. It will happen again. When I read part 5 I cringed so hard man. But whatever. I know that Y/n falling and getting tripped over and all that seems cringe and so fucking confusing, but it's a part of the plot, I think)


I couldn't believe myself. Never in my life would I have thought I would find myself standing outside of the very coffee shop Suna was working at. Furthermore begging for him to be working. I opened the door and heard the doorbell ring again. The sound reminded me of how desperate I was yesterday. Just thought made me taste a bitter taste on my tongue.

I shifted my eyes up and saw the one I came here to see. I sighed in both relief and disappointment. He was talking the order of a customer and winked at her when he was done.  I walked up to him and I saw his eyelids slightly lower.

"Flirting with costumes are we?" I teased him and he gave me a smug smile in response.

"It brings more customers, sweetie. More customers means more money" he wishpered to me and laughed himself silly, "what would you like to drink?"

"I'm not here for a drink"

"So you came to see me?"

"I came to help your sister out" his face suddenly got serious. He moved his eyes from mine and to the clock.

"I'm done in an hour so take a seat and order something. It's on me. And it's on me ONLY because your helping my sister" he made clear and looked in my eyes with the most dead eyes I've seen. I wasted no time soI gave him my order and sat down.

It was one of those day's were time moved slower than normal. So slow in fact that if you were to put a snail on the clock and tell it to go in a circle, it would win against the clock.

I caught myself staring at Suna once in a while. I admit he is attractive. The way his hair parted perfectly in the middle and the way his eyes shined in the sun and-

"What the fuck am I doing?" I sighed, reminding myself how horrible he was.

"What you're doing is is coming with me" Suna took me by suprise. He was wearing his normal clothes so I assumed his shift was done.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"To my house"

"Ew, I'm not going to your house"

"I would rather not discuss such private, and besides, you wanted to talk to my sister right?" He was right so I simply nodded and packed up my things. When I looked up he was already out the door. He did not intend to wait for me.


"Suna can you go out of the room?" I asked him and he gave me a offended look.

"No, why should I do that?" He crossed his arms and gave me a death stare.

"It's impossible for my to remove the pictures without seeing them, and I'm guessing that your sister wouldn't like that" I looked at his sister and she nodded slightly.

"I'm not going out of the room, but I'm going to sit across the table so I cant see anything. Is that okay?" Suna patted his sister's hair and gave her a warm smile. She told him she was okay with that and he moved seats.

"Do you mind if I see the conversation?" I looked at the embarrassed girl besides me and she gave me her phone with the conversation open.

My eyes widened when I saw my face. The picture used shorted the list of subjects a lot.

"This is a picture of me, I can't deny that" Suna had a sour look on his face as I spoke, "but it's a picture on my private Instagram. It has about 20 followers so the list is short"

"Give me it" Suna demanded and I did as told. He couldn't see the content, but he could see who was following me.

"None of this is your fault, remember" I assured his sister while working on taking them down.


"That's all I could find" I sighed while closing my computer, "the problem isn't taking them down, it's finding them. Someone is always going to have them on their phones, but if you find more, give me a call and I'll take them down"

"Thank you" she responded, almost sobbing. I looked around, but I saw nothing to write down my number on.

"Fox eyes" I spoke, gaining Suna's attention, "give me something to write down my number on"

He mumbled something, but did as told. I wrote my information down and gave it to his sister who took it with a smile.

"If someone asks, their mine" I said while Suna followed me out the door.

"Thank you" he said when we were outside, "I owe you"

"You do"

"Hmmm, how shall I repay you? Maybe like this" His hand grabbed my chin, making me face him. Suddenly I could feel his breath dancing over my lips. There was only a centimeter between our lips and it made me crazy. "No, that would be to stupid" he chuckled and pulled away from my lips.

"I'm going home" I said salty and turned away from him, but he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"What was all this "fox eyes" thing, eh?" He whispered in my ear, making me shiver.

"I thought it would be funny" I said coldly and turned my head to face him. Our faces was so close and I could clearly see the lust in his eyes and I'm sure he could see mine as well.

"Goodbye then, doll face" he whispered into my lips, before ghosting them completely.

And with that I was on my way home, knowing that tomorrow was back at being at each other's throats again.

(A/n: Suna's sister is only 2 years younger than you in this fic)

(A/n: Suna's sister is only 2 years younger than you in this fic)

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ihy<3 ~ Suna x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now