(Y/N)'s POV

"Do we really need all of this for just me, you, Tom, and mum and dad?" I ask curiously. "Trust me, we Will, they'll be tired after they had to make there way here" George notes and walks ahead of me to the apartment. "Alright halt! Stop here please," he says putting his hand to my face, stopping my in my tracks. He grabbed the bags out of my hands, looked at me and said. "Wait here for a sec, I'll be back," then speedwalked into the building. He left before I could even say 'Okay' or even react.
As I pondered outside the apartment building, I tapped my foot up and down, with excitement? Or just impatience maybe. "Arghhh c'mon mann hurry upp," I muttered to myself, yeah it was mainly impatience. "(Y/N)! Come over here!" George's little head popped out of the building door, and ushered me towards him with his hand. I a speedwalked my way over to him, very intrigued now. "Alright I'm gonna have to put this blindfold on you," he grins, a blue bandana in his small hands. NOW I'M REALLY EXCITED. "Oh- alright sure," I said while wrapping the bandana over my eyes, George tightening it at the back. He led my through what I'm pretty sure was the door, and brung me into the elevator, I could tell due to how it felt.

Than it stopped, I was standing behind, a wall? Maybe? A door? Then, the sound of the card swiping through the card scanner bellowed, and a door opened. He walked me inside what was our apartment, I was so excited, I was practically flying. "Alright you can take your mask of in," you could
here his grin.


Finally I took off my bandana, and was instantly greated with a room full of decorations,  wrapped bundles laid out on a table, the food we bought already out and ready, and, everyone?? "SUPRISE!" Ranboo, Toby, Will, George anddd Tommy yelled out. I stood there baffled, I could tell there was gonna be a suprise, I just didn't think they'd all come! That's so sweet of them.. "Oh my lord- ha! Thankyou!" I smiled wide and giggled. "I knew something was planned but I didn't know it  would be this good wow!" I look around the room impressed with the decorations, whoever did them deserves a pat on the back. "Mum and dad are coming in two days, things got tricky via travel, so we thought we could do this for your 18! Since mum and dad can't be here," he said very happy. "Oh wow, Thankyou guys! Seriously," I smile at them all, especially Tom, who's grinning at me with his pretty face.

Throughout the party, we ate, listened to music, and just chilled really. Turns out Will was the coordinator for the decorations, and Toby and Ranboo helped set it up, so I gave them all a pat on the back for that, and thanked them.
"So, (Y/N). You're older than me Now," Tom says frowning. "Well I always was, but ig now the difference is bigger," I note and smile at him. He doesn't smile back, his face only goes into a disappointed look, slacks his shoulders, and softly cried. "Why do I have to be the youngest... aww," he softly cried, tho I could tell he wasnt actually. "Hey man you still look older than me, so that's a win for you," I comfort. "Nahh Tom you'll always the youngest, it's just your curse," will joked around. "OH SHUT UP WILL," Tommy wines, while will continues to make fun of his youngness.

"Alright! I'd say it's time for gifts," George announces. I always like gifts on my birthday, who doesn't? I just never liked being watched while silently unwrapping something, with Tom here, i feel it'll be different. I sit down on the chair next to the table, and grab the first one I see. "Oh that's mine! I think you'll like mine," toby smiles, more excited for the gift than me. I ripped off the wrapping paper to see a box, filled to the brim with my favourite sweets. "Holy shit! Thanks Toby! Wow that is so much, also how did you know these where my favourites?" I question. "I have lots of information," he grins. "Alright that's abit creepy but I'll let it slide, thanks," I smile.  "You're gonna share right?" George asks. "No piss off this is mine," I joke, as they all laugh. I grab another gift, this one having mc wrapping paper, so I was excited. "Ah that'll be mine," ranboo smiled with his eyes, that he decided to show, I complimented them, he does have such pretty eyes. Inside the wrapping paper was, his own plushie, and youtooz. "Oml ranboo ofc you did-" I joke while he laughed to himself. "No but seriously these are so sick, I love them," I smiled at him. "Hah anytime, I'll let you have it for free, but you could've owed me 40 dollars." He states. "Ranboo it's my birthday gift I'm not paying for a gift, also it's pounds," I joke. "Yes ofc ofc," he says in a posh voice. "Pffthahaa! Omg bigman-" Toby laughs at him. I look to another and see a neatly wrapped present, very pretty looking and smaller than the others. "This ones pretty..." I examine the gift. "Lemme guess, it's wills," I guess pointing at him. "It is It iss," he grins. I carefully unwrap it, I don't wanna ruin it, I'll feel bad. A camera, And a really expensive one. "Oml Thank you! How much was this??" I ask. "I feel like if I tell you it'll just hurt me as much as my bank account," he jokes, we all laughs at him. "George where's my present?" I ask. "I gave you your present this morning! I literally got you new clothes and a new webcam," he notes. "Yeahh ik I'm just messing with you," I joke and nudge him on the shoulder.

But one present stood out. It was horribly wrapped with Christmas wrapping paper, but it was a big cube. I grab this one eagerly. "That's the one I got for you, I hope you like it," he smiles, which makes me smile back instantly. "I'm sure I will," I say opening it. Underneath the shitty wrapping, was a record player, and a vinyl record. Not just any vinyl, Swing Lynn by Twin Cabins... my favourite song. He remembered. He listened to it and remembered! I couldn't help from grinning wide so wide my jaw hurt. That's what Tommy did, he'd make me smile and laugh so much it would hurt. "Seriously?? Oh my god I love it! Thankyou so much Tommy! Woah!" I look at him with bright eyes and a huge smile. He sees my face and blushes, while also smiling wide and grinning at me. "Anytime (Y/N)," He smiled softly. I went up and gave him a huge hug, I could here him gasping. After him desperatly telling me to let go, I let him go, and things continue, yet as cringey as it is, my heart is pounding so loud you could practically hear it.

Then suddenly Tommy walked over to me, hugged me, and whispered into my ear. "You wanna go somewhere else? I wanna show you something," he whispers, his breathe on my neck making me blush. "Mhm, yeah sure," I agree, almost stopping myself from stuttering. I made an excuse and we left. Part of me knew they knew, but I don't care. As Tommy led me away to somewhere I didn't know, as golden hour made him shine like an angel, he fingers intertwined with mine, almost like a finished puzzle piece.
It felt perfect.

Wooo chapter, ahsbsjabajbw sorry for the break but I'm back! And with a very cute nd romantic chapter, ofc so will the next one :) I enjoy writing these since I'm lonely but, it's whateverr. Also, WHERE TF DID 1.2K OF YOU COME FROM??? HOLY SHIT HUH? THANKYOU SM! But hey if you all are reading this, follow me, It only makes sense, and I'll be posting about story sneekpeaks so if it sounds interesting follow me :)

Anyhow, cya in the next chapter :)

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