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A/n: i know a lot of you probably aren't one direction fans, but i know a lot of you also probably are. Id just like to say that I'm devastated about zayn leaving and have cried nonstop for the past 2 days. I just want all of you to know that im here if you need to talk, not just about this but about anything really. Ill always be here for you. You can "DM" me at @hurtinghemmo. Haha :)))


Michael: omg chess

Chessa: yes michael?

Michael: well i know you love AHS


Michael: look at what i found
Michael: ^picture message^



Michael: ikr.

Chessa: OMG

Chessa: i dont know whether to cry or laugh omfg michael

Michael: but imagine mr. Mosby walking towards you with a crow bar saying "i told you not to run in my lobby"

Michael: wow. Replace crow bar with whip and it sound like some 5o shades of grey shit

Chessa: MICHAEL omfg. Control yourself.

michael: i cant. I have no control.

Chessa: then ill find you some

Michael: could you also find my shoes please i lost them

Chessa: im not your mother mikayla

Michael: shut up cheese it

Chessa: id be offended but that was a good one

Michael: i know

Michael: plenty more where that came from

Michael: ill be here all week

Chessa: ha ya cuz you have no life. Loser

Michael: wow. Im hurt

Chessa: good. Means im doing my job :))

Michael: what job do you have woman?

Chessa: oh i actually work for satan. We have a very close bond


Chessa: your such a scaredy cat clifford

Michael: at least im not i satanist

Chessa: IM NOT. Jesus christ. You make one joke and suddenly you become a satanist.

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