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"can i open my eyes now?"

"mm..no." kaidon decided for the shorter boy who stumbled in front of him, his eyes covered by the older's fingers that prevented any type of vision. it had been like that since shiloh stepped out of the car; kaidon instructing him to close his eyes- to maintain the surprise of wherever they were going probably. still, it was a bit taxing to walk completely blinded.
"where are we?" shiloh whined, placing his hands over kaidon's in an attempt to try and maneuver around his fingers and get some idea of sight which was obviously not possible when kaidon flicked his hands away.
"i told you, you'll see."

shiloh scoffed as he continued to be led by the snickering older, who guided him straight away. from what shiloh could tell, they were inside a building; one thoroughly insulated, which was a nice escape from the freezing cold weather of the recent days. the threat of snowfall grew every single day, but never actually manifested- just frigid winds that danced through your hair, made your nose feel like it would freeze off and made your toes cold.

the grumpy sixteen year old didn't let out another peep, simply letting kaidion lead him to their designated destination. the redhead suddenly stopped, still prohibiting shiloh's vision as he adjusted his position, moving the boy's waist a teeny bit so that he stood in the exact spot he desired.

"okay," kaidon allowed, timidly removing his hands and finally permitting the boy to see. "you can see now."

shiloh opened his eyes immediately, peering at the sight in front of him before it's grandiose hit him. the sixteen year old's eyes widened almost immediately as he began to marvel at the room that appeared to be completely empty. he found himself in what appeared to be a mainly empty museum, except for a few workers. from the looks of the numerous pieces of art on the walls, as well as the glass display cases full of singular pieces and figurines, it was easily decided that it was an institution that specialized specifically in art. the whole entire room was filled with beautiful pieces of art that immediately tugged on shiloh's interest.

"wow." shiloh remarked quietly, finding himself in shock as he tried to piece together a reaction for the older, who was somewhat nervous as shiloh had tasked him with finding a designation for their date. as it being their first official date, kaidon was wrought over what to choose, and if he could do it fast enough. not to mention, would shiloh even find something like a museum entertaining? most people didn't, and neither did kaidon except for when it came to art.

in fact, he loved art. he stared at it every single day- kissed it, felt the warmth of art's embrace, and studied it's perfection every single day in the blue-eyed boy's features.

"do you like it?" kaidon questioned hesitantly, not helping but to be worried from the younger boy's silence who turned around, his eyes landing on him.
"i love it." shiloh assured softly, a radiant smile spreading over his pretty lips that made kaidon's heart pound in his chest and granted relief to his secretly anxious soul that was finally able to settle when the beaming sixteen year old seized a hold of his hand. the redhead just peered down at him with a growing smile as he watched the delighted interest grow on his boyfriend's face as they began to walk through the exhibit.

the specific part of the exhibit that the teenagers ventured through seemed to focus on the romanticism- the type with ghastly pastels, light and dark colors and light contrast. many of the large, intricate paintings depicted the crystal-clear, ultramarine waters of the shores of italy or a far, off fantasy land as such. also present were many depictions of humankind; in all shapes, sizes, ages, colors, orientations.. but perhaps the most interesting perspective that shiloh noticed was that not one of the people painted were depicted as ugly, or terrifying. the selected art did not bind people to stereotypes; each one was different, with a different face but perhaps shiloh's favorite painting was the one that he spotted at the very ending.

𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora