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the lights flickered in the dim hallway outside of the club completely empty except for two teenagers.

two teenagers who were best friends.

best friends who coincidentally happened to be making out just like they had been for the past few minutes, because there was of course everything platonic about how into it the two were. a passion like that- the one being displayed in the kiss couldn't even be blamed on drunkenness.

nor could the way shiloh's slender arms wrapped tightly around kaidon's large shoulders or the way that his fingers tangled into his soft hair or the way kaidon's arms hugged shiloh waist possessively close to him, so tightly it was as if he had been waiting to get his hands on the boy who, even with kaidon leaning down, had to stand of the very tip of his toes.

shiloh's heart raced in his chest as he exhaled deeply in a drunken stupor that made him even more physically needier than usual, shown in how he released small whines frequently simply because the boy was a better kisser than anybody would ever expect; sure, he was quiet and never said what he was thinking but with the way he aggressively savored shiloh's lips, way more dominant than expected, he didn't need to tell the sixteen year old anything. just with a simple kiss kaidon made the popular boy feel as if he was going insane; made his whole entire body feel hot and uncomfortable in the minidress he wore and made his face hazy with a deep blush that kaidon shared because if he was being honest it was indeed his first kiss.

or, at least first one he wanted to remember.

neither wanted to pull away, especially shiloh who in his drunkeness, revelead just how used he could get to the treatment that occurred with the way that his hands did not release kaidon, holding onto him tightly as he shakily pulled away. the drunken brunette was so embarrassed that he looked away, avoiding kaidon's black eyes as he felt the heated kisses continue down his neck, sending chills down his spine as suddenly his eyes shot wide open before shoving kaidon away hard.

"oh my g-" shiloh's statement was cut off with his own action, which happened to be bending over and puking all over the floor in front of the older who just stared at him in disbelief before regaining his drunken sense of charge.
"hold it, hold it." kaidon told shiloh who covered his mouth with wide eyes as the senior guided him to a bathroom. shiloh ran to a stall, slamming the door shut before retching loudly.

"god shiloh," kaidon called after it finally stopped. "am i that bad at kissing?"

the stall door slowly swung open, the brunette rising on wobbly legs before he offered kaidon a large smile.

"no, you're like, an amazing kis-"

kaidon's eyes widened, his reflexes acting quickly as he caught the younger in his arms who stumbled, almost crashing into the wall before kaidon instead just lifted him into a bridal position.

"woah," shiloh remarked with a amusement that only being drunk could bring as his whole entire face lit up. "ikaw ay malakas."

kaidon watched in deep confusion as shiloh slapped his large arms with a giggle, repeating to himself whatever he had just said.

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