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shiloh rubbed his heavy eyes, weighed down with exhaustion as the bell rang, signaling the end of fifth period and therefore the beginning of lunch.

it lightly startled the teenager, who jumped to attention at the ringing of the ear-piercing noise. he had been struggling with sleep on and off since last night, as he couldn't calm himself down to get any and instead just pulled an all-nighter studying for his tests the next day, all of which he had definitely aced so far, especially pre-calc which was good. he needed to ace all those tests to keep up his high gpa for colleges, so he could get a scholarship and get a full ride the hell out of his household.

"hey shiloh."

the sixteen year old glanced up with a smile from putting books in his messenger bag, lightly waving to the brunette in front of him by the name of jenna, and standing next to her slighlty shorter- kylie. though they were shiloh's "friends" they looked and acted just like how they sounded, and it wasn't exactly friend-material. in fact, they were painfully superficial and materialistc and shiloh tolerated them for the mere excuse of wanting someone by his side when he walked to his locker, and he couldn't exactly count on ryan whom had not contacte him since nearly strangling him to death in his beat-up car the other day.

"hey guys," shiloh greeted as he rose from his desk, putting his bag over his shoulder. "what's going on?"
"kylie is crying about mr. blake again.."
"well, it's not my fault," the blonde whined in her unaturally high voice that made shiloh twitch lightly. "i just am wondering when he's gonna text me back is all."
"ky this is not wattpad," shiloh muttered. "i don't know why you showed your boobs to our calc teacher.."

"i needed a higher grade." the girl shrugged before she glared over at the exhausted boy who dragged himself through the crowded, loud hallways. "oh my god. are you slut shaming me?"
"wow shiloh, that's really shallow." jenna commented, his subpar features lacing with dissapointment as she continued to smack on her gum that had lost its flavour three periods ago.
"i didn't even call you anything like th-"
"listen shiloh, you're the one who should be slut-shamed," kylie spat with a glare. "you're literally gay, which means you're so desperate you'll do anything with a fucking penis. sorry mr. blake is attracted to my gender."
"why would i want h-"

"being gay means you have an attraction to dudes, not dicks, you fucking dumb bimbo," a voice muttered behind the three, startling the students who turned around. "but what can you really expect from a white bitch named kylie..?"
"hey, that's racist!" jenna shouted, a small smile beginnig to spread over his face as he tried to withold a giggle.

"hey kaidon." shiloh smiled, waving at the senior who seemed to pause momentarily, the bold and outspokenly angry persona immediately washing into his usual painfully sigh demeanor as kaidon acknowledged the younger's presence with a small wave.
"wait.. you know this g-"
"hey, i'll see you guys in seventh." shiloh said, stepping away from the conversation and to the giant's side who's hidden, black eyes scaned over the much shorter, absorbing how pretty he looked- as always. he was always dressed in clothes that would be painfully simple on somebody else but he made look cute. today, he wore a simple black t-shirt that was a bit cropped and sat low on his shoulders, pairing it with a simple silver necklace that matched his earrings.

"what the hell is he doing?" kylie muttered as they watched the two walk the other way- so did almost everybody as they watched the volleyball captian accompany the quiet, somewhat strange boy down the hallway with a beaming smile.

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