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"kaidon, wake up."

the quiet murmurs of the boy who was currently being crushed under the immense weight of his boyfriend went ignored for about the fifth time. no matter how much shiloh whined underneath him, kaidon, who was an extremely heavy sleeper didn't budge once- and now, the tight grip that he had on shiloh was almost like an invincible force that bound the panicking sixteen year old to kaidon's bare chest.

another thing that didn't help was the fact that if the boy didn't get up soon, they'd both be late and shiloh already knew it was no use trying to escape- from experience. knowing that the boy was already sleep-deprived, shiloh tried a more gentle approach.

"kaidon," the younger whispered gently, nudging his shoulder against the boy's chest. "wake up.. it's time for school."

the boy only continued to crush him instead of even trying to hear him- in fact, shiloh was convinced that kaidon could hear him and was simply not responding. the mere idea- plus the fact that his rib cage was constantly under pressure for the last half an hour drove the boy a bit off the edge.

"kaidon," shiloh screamed loudly, his usually soft voice reaching new lows that didn't even seem possible for the boy. "gumising ka na, papatayin mo ako."

the very vocal harness of the harsh-sounding language roused the dazed boy on top of shiloh's chest who rose in an exhausted stupor. shiloh wheezed, grabbing his chest as the much larger boy sat up in confusion, scratching his chaotically messy hair.

"oh, sorry, was i ontop of you?" the tired boy asked.

the brunette's wide eyes flashed with deep annoyance as he slowly turned over at the clueless redhead who's hair sprouted from his head in such a disagreeable manner that his eyes weren't even visible.

"what do you think?"

"i said i was sorry."

shiloh ignored the somewhat needy boy's whines that had been ensuing ever since they left the house. instead, he focused on the small, ornate hand mirror opened in the middle of his palm, applying highlight on the very tip of his nose as he had nearly no time to do it at home and instead was forced to resort to doing it in the car.

"you should be ashamed of yourself." shiloh lectured, egging on his boyfriend's guilt. "what if i died?"
"stop it." kaidon mumbled. "i'm not even that heavy. just forgive me, please?"
"i guess." shiloh huffed dramatcially, bringing a large smile onto the boy's face who sat in the passenger seat. though shiloh was still adjusting to thought of actually being in a relationship, he was slowly starting to adapt to kaidon's love language which was of course, physical touch and most likely acts of service. he was extremely clingy, childish, and a bit whiny which was extremely comedic considering he was also a murderous ball of frustration with extreme agner issues that sometimes drove him to actual homicide.

good thing shiloh found most of it cute.

"thank you. what're you doing for lunch today?"
"i dunno. wanna meet?" shiloh questioned, closing the small mirror in his hand and shoving it into a brown pouch that was filled with things of the sort- emergency items such as extra makeup or whatever else he needed in case his morning didn't go right. the boy then proceeded to pull down his jeans, ready to hop out of the parked car so that he hopefully made it on time to his classes.
"yeah. that sounds goo-"

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