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"is this twenty questions or something..?"

shiloh's lips curved into a smile, letting out a small giggle in response to the statement as he looked down at his sneakers, ignoring how sore his hips were getting from sitting in the swing for so long.

"yes, actually, it is!" shiloh retorted back at the older sarcastically who just tutted lightly, rolling his eyes that happened to be covered by his hair, like it always was.
"fine." kaidon mumbled after taking a sip out of his icee. "what was the question again?"

the somewhat chilly breeze blew through shiloh's brown hair, causing him to shiver a bit as he looked over at the deserted playground blanketed by the silhouette of nightime. it was somewhat peaceful; sitting on the playground swing and letting his feet swing back and forth while he sat next to the older, who had opened up a bit during the journey from the gas station and the park and proved himself to be good company.

"let's see." shiloh murmered, glancing over at the seventeen year old who for once, seemed to hold eye contact. "number one. what is it your most passionate about?"
"are you fucking serious? you sound like one of those 'figure out what kind of mashed potato you are' thingies by buzfeed."
"be quiet and answer the question." shiloh reprimanded, kicking the senior who let out a whiny grunt, rubbing his shin before exhaling deeply.

what was he most passionate about..?
oh, how to answer that question without exposing himself...

"i.. don't know." kaidon mumbled. "i like seeing karma fuck others over in the ass."

"you're so... so.."
"are you disturbed enough yet?"
"nah. kinda entertained," shiloh told him with a smile, causing him to look away with a slight chuckle before the brunette presented another question. "favorite color?"
"well obviously."
"shut up. what's yours?"
"purple, but it can't be too bright like an eggplant and it can't be dark, and by dark i mean that shit that people try to pass off for purple but it's like super dark navy- like it's gotta be right in the middle like a grape or something."

kaidon stared over at the volleyball player who's expression easily clouded with red, the sixteen year old not helping it as he smiled at the easily bothered boy.

"stop, i know it's stupid. it's just, if it's too bright it bothers me. anyways.. favorite food?"
"anything my mom makes. i'll eat anything."
"aww, how cute," shiloh gushed. "momma's boy, mo-"
"shut up and say yours."
"it's still cute... but uhmm, it depends. if it's american food then donuts.. like those ones in the mall that are really small and are covered with cinnamon sugar. if it's filipino- ugh- everything? mainly sinigang though.. it's so good."
"what is it?"
"it's like a kinda.. sour broth with lots of veggies in it but i like to put shrimp and fish in mine. my grandmother used to make it all the time before she passed."
"ah, sorry for your loss. it sounds really good though."

"oh. it's alright." shiloh answered with a small yet somewhat curious smile, amused by the fact that such a sarcastic, removed boy felt the need to apologize when if they were both being realistic, they barely knew each other. "and yeah! it is. maybe i can make it for you?"
"you cook?" kaidon questioned.
"yea.. i don't have a maid who calls me master so.."
"shut up, i told her not to," kaidon hissed immediately, causing shiloh to laugh loudly at his mortification.. due to having a maid. he truly was a rich teenage boy and acted just like one, and shiloh found it extremely comedic. "but yes. please do."
"i will." the younger promised, offering a kind smile to the senior who simply glanced away from the beautiful sixteen year old who seemed to be absolutely radiant under the embellishing moonlight that sat perfectly upon his features.

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