The siren of the car panicked my heart more as I impatiently waited for the journey to end. I saw Danish sitting in the opposite direction with an unreadable expression on his face.

I would deal with him later.

The whole ride I clutched my Radheshyam locket tightly, praying for his good health as the car took a halt and came over to pick Raghav up by Danish helping them.

All the time they dragged him to the hospital, I clutched his hand tightly determined to not let him go from my sight but I knew, being a doctor I couldn't break the rules so I gave up as the nurses carried him into the OT.

I watched as the tiny bulb turned red and I paced back and forth impatiently; waiting for it to become green. My face was covered with sweat and salty tears and my dress was painted with dried blood.

His blood.

I couldn't control myself and let the tears flow down. I bit my bottom lip hard to muffle a sob and I could taste the metallic taste of my blood just when a hand on my shoulder caught my attention and I stared back to see a regretful Danish was standing with his head hung low.

"What do you want now?" I spat furiously.

"I know you're mad at me and I deserve it but please listen to me for once Siya." he pleaded and for the first time, I watched his eyes glistening.

The Danish I knew was never cried.

Seeing no negative response from my side he started explaining,

"Siya I know I did grow a sick obsession towards you in the past but I swear, now I've nothing like this... after I killed Riya," he confessed.

I gasped to hear the shocking news.

He killed an innocent life... just to gain me.

No matter how bad she behaved with me but she was a sister figure in my sight and I never wanted any bad for her.

"I know you're thinking of me as a heartless monster, but I'm tied up Siya." being confused I scoffed at his words.

What was the meaning of 'tied up'?

"Marcos. Our mobster once went to Raghav to clean his wounds after murdering a little girl but he refused to take care of him. Since then he wants to destroy him and he very well knows you're his weakness and how to use me to get you. I'm sorry. I had no intention to hurt him. But he forced me to do so. Please don't call the police, otherwise, he'll kill me or might Raghav too Siya." he narrated as I felt the ground beneath me slipped.

We're under the Mafia boss's gaze.

We're in danger.

He was in danger!

Just when I was collecting myself, Mr. Agarwal rushed toward us. It would be surely today's breaking news as I heard the siren of a police Jeep outside the hospital. Most of my senior doctors gathered in the section where he was admitted.

"He'll be fine," I assured a panicking Mr. Agarwal, whose wrinkled face was covered with worry and fear of losing his only son, rushed into the ward.


It was almost five hours since the door remained closed. Police interrogated me with thousands of questions and each time I was answering, my voice felt dry just thinking about the horrible incident.

Danish left from there without me noticing for the fear of being caught. And honestly, I couldn't find his fault in it. I saw the guilt in his eyes. He wanted to save us from the other goons who were waiting behind the bushes to attack him more brutally so he had to act like that. If he was the one culprit he mustn't take Raghav to the hospital.


The OT flung open and before I could understand I found myself jolted towards the doctor with a hopeful eye to hear good news.

"He's alright now. Don't worry. We managed to take out the bullet and thank God it didn't hit any sensitive nerves. You may visit the patient but please only one." I looked over at Mr. Agarwal who smiled at me and nodded for me to go first.

And I did. Without wasting a second I stormed into the room.

I saw Raghav was sitting on the bed, bare chest; with a bandage wrapped around his right shoulder which clung to his arms. His curls were messy like a bird's nest, his face was pale and he looked exhausted.

But as soon as his eyes met mine I ran towards him, crushing him carefully in between my arms as a pool of fresh tears started falling from my eyes to his skin and I felt him stiffen a little before holding me back with the same love I did.

It was like the whole world disappeared and I felt my body melt into his. Closing my eyes I listened to the rhythmic melody of his heartbeat. I felt like mélomanie. Just realized how much I missed this warmth.

The hug was ethereal. My arms wrapped securely around his neck, while his hands held my body as if I weighed nothing to him. We seemed to stay like that for hours, our bodies pressed closely together. I wished we could stay like that forever.

"Is it hurt a lot?" I whispered to which he shook his head.

"You're my panacea."


Danish is weird.
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