The AUX To Your Speakers (MomoJirou)

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Mineta's in this one, so there will be a bit of unclean language used. But don't worry, he gets beat up.


Music danced through the frigid air around the school. Light sliced the night like knives. Students acted as heaters, warming the open tents set up in front of the school.

Jirou shivered. This dress was not made for warmth, she thought. This is why I like suits better. She was standing in a less populated area right next to one of the speakers that were placed by the DJ "booth". In reality, it was simply a foldable table covered by an electric blue table cloth with a laptop that connected to the speakers next to it. This booth was manned by a third year with a sound quirk.

Someone tapped on Jirou's shoulder. "Hey, are you alright?" She turned around and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm alright, just a little cold. Thanks Momo."

"Oh, well that won't do." Momo said, and smiled. The tall girl turned away from the crowd of people and opened her dress a little. Jirou blushed and looked away. No matter how many times Momo used her quirk, she still couldn't get over the fact that most of the items she created came out of her chest. Momo turned back around and handed Jirou a jacket. "Here you go. Wouldn't want you getting sick."

Now, if Jirou were to say that she wasn't madly in love with the beautiful lady standing in front of her, she would be lying. Which she tended to do, mostly to herself. See, Jirou Kyoka often lies to herself when she thinks she likes someone. She did it with someone she liked in middle school and completely missed her chance, seeing as they moved to a different country. She did it with Denki and now the blonde idiot has a boyfriend.

"Thanks Momo," Jirou mumbled. I love you, she finished in her head, then immediately yelled at herself. Don't be a weirdo! Just have normal thoughts for once!

"Hey, Momo," Mineta said, bringing Jirou out of her thoughts. The small grapeman had somehow snuck up on the two girls. "Nice tit action! How 'bout you let me in there to see how it works."

The tiny perv grinned as he took a few more steps towards them before his feet left the ground. The living grape-bunch squealed as he was picked up by his belt. "Put me down, you son of a-"

"One more word and I'll shove my foot so far up your ass, you'll be able to taste it." Momo and Jirou blinked at the man in front of them. Even Mineta was stunned into silence. No one expected this threat to come from Midoriya Izuku. He looked absolutely furious as he whispered something to the short person, who went pale.

Midoriya walked away, still holding Mineta by his belt, and disappeared into the dancing crowd. A faint squeak could be heard as the head of green hair got lost in the sea of people. The two girls looked at each other and started laughing.

"I didn't know that Midoriya could be so mean." Momo said after she calmed down a bit.

"Neither did I," Jirou responded, wiping her eyes. "People can surprise you."

"Yes, they certainly can."

The girls stood there for some time, watching the people in front of them. A few times, people came up to them and asked them to dance. Each time, Jirou declined while Momo heartfully agreed.

"Look at those two," Momo said, after coming back from yet another dance. A few feet away stood a couple, swaying to the music. "They've been dancing to every slow song played. It's so cute."

Jirou smiled. "They look like they're meant for each other. Like, he's the AUX to her speaker."

"Yes," Momo giggled. "It is like that."

The third year DJ looked right at Jirou and winked. It seemed that he was listening to their conversation, because he quieted the music and started speaking. "ALRIGHT! LADIES, GENTLEMAN, AND OTHER INDIVIDUALS! THIS IS THE LAST SLOW SONG OF THE NIGHT! GRAB A PARTNER, 'CAUSE AFTER THIS, WE'RE PACKING UP!"

"I think this might be the last song," Momo said sarcastically, putting a hand over her ear. "Wanna dance?"

Jirou laughed and nodded, and the two joined the crowd. The music started up and everyone started slow-dancing. They swayed and spun, and Jirou undoubtedly stepped on her crush's feet more than once, but they had fun. All the while, they were lost in the moment, forgetting that people even existed and just focused on each other.

The music stopped and Jirou realized that she had been staring at Momo the entire time. Embarrassment flooded through her and she looked down to hide her blush.

"Sorry," she said, and let go. "I didn't mean to stare."

"Don't apologize, that was fun! And I'm sure I was staring too." Momo beamed, and brought Jirou in for a hug. After about two seconds, she pushed Jirou a full arm length away and put her hands on her shoulders. A serious look crossed her face and for a second, Jirou thought she was going to get yelled at. "But we definitely need to get you some dance lessons,"

They laughed and, without really thinking about it, held each other's hand the whole way to the dorms. The girls said goodnight, and parted ways, going to take off their makeup and go to bed.

Jirou sat in her room listening to music and thinking about the night. She thought about how Momo had made her a jacket, she thought about how Momo had moved to protect her from Mineta, and she thought about the comment "I was probably staring too". It was right then and there that Jirou decided that she was going to take her chances. She'd talk to Momo in the morning.

That night, a very bruised Mineta spent hours writing each and every girl he had ever harassed a very lengthy apology, under the supervision of a very ticked off Midoriya.

1014 words


Hi everyone!! It's been forever, but I present to you all this lovely chapter of "How is Mineta Going to Get Beat Up Today?" It isn't an actual story that I'm writing, (though I'm sure some of you would love it) but I do have him get hurt in a lot of my drafts. That being said, I hope you all enjoyed this and I'll try to get more, better written stories and stuff out soon. Have a great morning/afternoon/night!

BNHA Oneshots (DISCONTINUED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang