"It's blue," Clara said, staring at the glass.

"Drink it," Cadence said. "It's good."

Clara took a small sip. It was light and sweet, unlike anything she had ever tasted. She took a larger gulp.

"I would go slowly," Cadence advised her. "You haven't had sufficient solid food in days. You don't want to shock your body by inhaling all of that all at once."

Clara had been fully prepared to start shoveling her meal in her mouth as fast as possible, but heeded Cadence's advice and took a small bite of chicken, chewing it slowly.

"It might be a bit bland," Cadence said sympathetically. "But until you get stronger, keeping spices to a minimum is probably be best."

"Still better than rations."

Cadence smiled and then pulled out a newsletter out of her pocket. "I figure this is what you want to know about," she said.

Clara took the paper from her. Thaddeus London and Harrison's parents were pictured in the center. The headline read: Slavery Scandal Shuts Down Revered Factories.

"Revered?" Clara grumbled. "Revered by whom?"

Cadence shrugged. "The elite community, apparently," she said.

Clara skimmed the article, but there wasn't anything new. "Thanks to Benjamin?" she asked.

Cadence nodded.

"He works fast." Clara put the paper down and continued to eat her meal in small bites. "How are things back at the manor?"

"The manor? A bit chaotic, I suppose. Although, once I got all the wedding guests out, things calmed down." Cadence rolled their eyes. "I've never had so many people complain to me. It was as if they thought I had been the one to personally cancel the wedding."


"But once we got everyone out, the staff was just confused. No one knew what was happening, except for me, of course, but I really didn't want to get into all of that at the moment."

"So what did you do?"

Cadence smirked. "Ate all the wedding food. I figured Harrison wouldn't mind."

Clara laughed. "Well, at least it didn't go to waste."

"But, since I suspect you didn't actually want to know about the manor, I can tell you Harrison did make a reappearance," Cadence said with a sly smile.

"How did he seem?"

"All things considered, not horrible." Cadence gave a small shrug. "I mean, his entire world did just fall apart. I know he wanted the truth to get out, but that can't be easy. When he came back, he had a brief word with the staff, basically assuring us that we would still have a job, and then shut himself in his room."

"If his parents are found guilty and charged, what happens to the airship? And all their money?" Clara hadn't even thought about that.

"It goes to Harrison," Cadence said simply.

"And he's just been shut up in his chambers?" Clara asked.

"Honestly, I'm not sure what he's doing," Cadence said. "But I don't think he's up there moping. I bring food up and take down empty dishes. I wouldn't worry about him, Clara. He's strong."

Clara appreciated her reassurances, but she still wished she could see him.

"And how's Ezra?" Cadence asked.

Clara shrugged. "He hasn't woken up yet," she said. "But the doctors say he'll be fine."

"You should get back to him." Cadence eyed Clara's empty plate. "I'll see you soon."

On her way back to Ezra's room, Clara bumped into the nurse who treated her when she first came in.

"Oh, good, you're up," he said.

"Right, uh, hello," Clara said, startled by his genuine cheeriness. "Actually, I have a question for you."

"Go ahead."

"My youngest sister has a respiratory illness that comes back a few times a year," she said. "Can we get someone to look at her?"

He nodded immediately. "From what I understand, we're to do whatever you need from us," he said. "I'd love to meet her."


They stayed in the hospital for about a week. The twins came and went, but Clara, Ezra, and Emme stayed the entire time.

Ezra woke up not long after Clara introduced Emme to the nurse. He seemed disoriented at first, but got better every day. He was still weakened at the end of the week, but was able to walk on his own and get down solid foods. His doctor put him on a strict diet and warned him against overeating.

Clara had rolled her eyes when the doctor said that, and Ezra had to suppress his laughter. There was never a risk of overeating with the rations they got.

Emme was given several tests to determine the cause of her illness, and what the doctors found was Clara's current source of worry.

"There is damage to her lungs," the doctor had told her. "Not irreparable, but it's important to make sure no more damage occurs."

"How do we make sure of that?" Clara asked.

"Keep her away from toxins she might be breathing in," the doctor said. "Try to keep her active."

Clara stared at her. "We live on earth," she said flatly.

The doctor pressed her lips together. "Here." She opened a drawer and pulled out a box. "This will help with keeping her breathing air fresh." Inside the box lay one of the most complicated oxygen filters Clara had ever seen.

"What about when she's inside?" Clara asked.

"Does your dwelling have filters?"

Clara nodded.

"Then honestly, I would recommend that she still wear her normal filter inside," the doctor said. "This one is only necessary when she's outside."

Clara nodded, but she knew that Emme wouldn't be happy with having to wear the filter all the time. But that was a battle to fight later.

Now, Clara, Ezra, and Emme stood in the transport dock, waiting for a ship to bring them back down to earth. The hospital had given them all clean clothing. It was basic, but it was the first new clothing items any of them had received in years.

Emme turned her new filter over in her hands. "And this will help me not get sick?" she asked for the hundredth time.

Clara nodded. "If you wear it," she said. "You have to listen to the doctors, Emme. And they'll know if you've been following their directions." They had scheduled an appointment in two weeks' time for Emme to come back and see if there had been any improvements to her lungs.

"Well, I'm just glad to get out of here," Ezra commented. "I want to have solid ground under my feet."

"I want to go home, too," Clara admitted. "It will be nice for all of us to live under one roof again."
No one could argue with that.

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