Chapter 29

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Breathing heavily, Clara carefully snuck out of her hiding spot and through the dining room. As much as she wanted to rush off to the transport right away, she had to at least let someone know she was leaving.

But not the guests of honor. As Clara entered the ballroom, she couldn't even see Harrison and Araminta. Most likely, they were somewhere in the middle surrounded by well-wishers and gold diggers alike. But who Clara really needed to find was Lucretia.

She pushed through the crowds, and hands shaking more and her breathing becoming more labored with every moment. The constant jostling from the throngs of people made her feel claustrophobic.

Now gasping for air, Clara found a wall and put her weight against it, trying to keep herself from passing out. No one paid her any attention as she gulped in air, wishing she could be back out on the platform where oxygen was plentiful.


Clara jumped as Lucretia appeared at her side, a concerned look on her face.

"Is everything alright?" Lucretia asked.

Clara took Lucretia's arm to steady herself. "Not really. I can't explain," she said hurriedly as Lucretia opened her mouth to start a string of questions. "But I need to go home. Right now."

"But you can't leave."

"I have to. Lucretia, please." Clara stared at her with wide, desperate eyes. "No one will probably even miss me. There are so many people in here. And I'll try to make it back, I just, I need to go."
Lucretia nodded. "Alright," she said. "Go. I'll cover for you if I have to."

Clara stared at her in disbelief. "Really?"

Lucretia pulled her into a hug. "After everything," she whispered, "I have your back."

Clara pulled away and gave her a weak smile. "Thank you," she said. She slipped off back toward the doors, making sure to stay out of the line of sight of anyone important, but not having to work very hard at it. Everyone was too busy enjoying themselves. She caught sight of Mr. Norrington and Thaddeus London once, and gave them a wide berth.

Clara finally got out into an empty hallway and hurried back to her guest chambers. She didn't bother changing completely, just grabbed her coat, scarves, and oxygen filter: just enough so she would be protected.

"I need a transport down to earth."

The transport operator gave her a wary glance. "Are you sure you're supposed to be leaving so soon?"

Clara had no patience for anyone questioning her at the moment. "That is none of your business," she said coldly. "Now, can you get me one directly from here, or do I need to go to another airship first?"

The operator held her gaze for a moment, but then back down. "No, we can get you one from here," he mumbled. "I'll call it now."

"Thank you."

Clara couldn't sit still as she waited, so she paced the interior of the transport dock. She jumped at every small sound coming from the outside, dreading the idea that it might be Araminta coming to drag her back to the party. But no one ever came in.

Although Clara did have to suppress an urge to throttle the transport operator. He kept throwing her questioning and suspicious glances.

Finally, the transport arrived and Clara continued her pacing as she descended down from the Norrington manor. She hiked up her skirt so it wouldn't drag and wrapped herself up as best as she could, but her hands were still shaking.

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