Seeing Pennsylvania come towards me, I shook myself free of thought. "How's the sickie doing, eh?" She asked. "The sickie feels like she's about ready to stage a break out!" I growled. She smiled. "I'd love to see you try." She laughed. I growled. "You know the rules." She said. "Yes, but only because I break them all the time." I said. "Sometimes." She agreed.

She looked closely at me. "Something's on your mind." She said. "Something's always on my mind." I replied. "What is it this time?" She asked. "Olympic?" I shook my head. "Try Olympic's identical sister." I replied. "Titanic?" She asked, a little surprised. I nodded. "What's got your curiosity?" She asked.

I sighed. "Lately, Titanic's been appearing a lot. It first started when you sent me out to guard her gravesite." I said. "She hasn't become your poltergeist, has she?" Pennsylvania teased. "Oh ha bloody ha!" I muttered. "Seriously though, why?" She asked. I shook my head. "I wish I knew." I muttered. "I think it's because I'm a sister to Olympic and since Titanic's is Olympic's sister, she's feels that I'm her sister too." I said.

"When I first saw her, I was begging her to keep Olympic safe from submarines. And she said 'She's your sister too'. I wasn't sure how to respond to that. She went on to say how sorry she was that she couldn't be there for Olympic. I think, I think she's jealous of me. I can now do what she cannot. I can love Olympic and give her a sibling she can love and rely upon. That's all Titanic wants for her. But that doesn't stop her from being a little envious of my abilities." I explained. Pennsylvania shook her head. "What are you thinking about her exactly?" She asked again.

I sighed. "Something she said last night. She said that Olympic and I would change the world." I said. "You kinda already have." She said. I frowned. "How?" I asked. "Look how close you two are, you're manipulating the code just by being together. I mean, look at Utah and Florida. Utah never would've broken down the way she did in front of America or even me. She did in front of you because she knew that you encouraged friendships." She said. "That I encouraged friendships." I muttered.

Then it hit me. "Pennsylvania, you are a genius!" I exclaimed. "How am I the genius?" She asked. "Of course, to change the world you have to change the code. Now I understand. My relationship with Olympic breaks our sacred code but it wouldn't if we changed it. That's what Titanic wants me and Olympic to do. Together, we must abolish the first rule." I explained. I hugged her. "Oh, thank you Pennsylvania, thank you." I squealed.

She shifted her weight uncomfortably. "Um, yeah you're welcome Arizona. Now could you please let me go, you're squashing me." She said. I let go. "Oh, sorry." I said. "You've gotten heavier, you need to lose a few tons." She said. I glared at her. "The only things I need to lose are these cursed mooring lines so I can get-out-of-here!" I growled.

"I won't stop you." She said, backing away. "But I'm not gonna help you either." She added smugly over her shoulder. I stuck my tongue out at her. She laughed and sailed away, yowling "Catch me if you can beamy!" She called. I growled. "Oh, that is it!" I yelled and pulling my mooring lines as tight as they would go, I broke them and raced away after Pennsylvania.

"Oh, you are so dead, Pennsy!" I yowled. She yelped and swerved aside as I approached. "You have to be faster than that!" She teased and sprayed me with water. I just managed to dodge it.

Pennsylvania was right, I had gained some weight. And, I hadn't taken part in any training exercise since June. Therefore, I was a little rusty as well. Unlike my sister, she had been practicing since the fleet returned and her skills were fresh and sharp.

That didn't mean that I wasn't the better fighter though. America had taught me a few moves of her own in secret, ones that only a leader could know and actually perform. I performed one then and no, I'm not saying what one it was. Sorry, kid but I do follow some rules. Especially if those rules are classified.

So anyway, before I knew it, I had Pennsylvania flipped over upside down in the water so only her keel showed. "Got ya!" I laughed. She groaned. "Yeah, you got me." She agreed, her words appearing as bubbles. I stepped off her and nudged her upright. "You know I'm not usually a scaredy gull. But I have to say, it's not fun being upside down." She said. I shrugged. "It's not supposed to be." I replied.

"That was a nice move, I wasn't expecting that. Where did you learn that?" She asked. "America taught it to me before she left. It's one of the five leader moves." I explained. She looked down. "Do you think, you could teach me?" She asked. I smiled. "If you're willing to listen, then yes, yes I will." I replied. She grinned. "And if you can keep a secret." I added. "No problem." She replied.

I nodded. "Come on." I said, leading the way past the rows of slips. We worked for the rest of the day. It felt good to stretch my legs a little after being stuck dockside for almost 2 months. But I was exhausted by the time we returned to the dockyard.

"I'm outta shape." I groaned. "You just need time, that's all." Pennsylvania assured me. I docked, yawning. "Sleep, Arizona. I'll be here when you wake up." She said. I nodded. "Goodnight, Pennsy." I whispered. She nuzzled me. "Goodnight, Arizona." She replied. My eyes closed and I fell happily to sleep.

And again, I owed my thanks to Titanic that I had no dreams.

The Olympian Sisters #3 The Gilded AgeWhere stories live. Discover now