USJ pt 15

700 45 9

Sans POV:

I exited the bus filled with excitement and jogged to the entrance I could have teleported but it didn't really cross my mind in the moment as the excitement bubbled over, though not for the same reason that everyone else is excited for, reminiscent of the bustling smile on my face.

the building was larger than expected the large granite pillars in the far corners basically told the money put into this dome. The fountain in the middle was almost exactly the same as remembered along with the wide layout of the building itself.

The long explanation started and I quickly started to tune the two out when the portal opened like a wall next to the fountain that had sputtered to a stop. the uhhh...villains?

Shigaraki and his goons, flooded out followed by red, my eyes welled with tears as I saw him, though human now he was still the only person that I really knew. Aizawa flung himself down the stairs, his scarf wrapping  itself around the pullers at the entrance. telling the class to stay put, entering battle almost instantly when his feet touched the ground level.

The class ran towards the entrance, I seemed to have missed some kinda conversation while I was 'zoned out'. I looked towards the villains then the class, i made my Decision clear as I sprinted down the slightly sloped stairs and weaved my way through the few villains that were making their way up "Gaster!! What are you doing!? We have to evacuate!"

Yelled thirteen over the yelling and fighting coming from below us. The ringing in my ears grew as I got closer to Red,hurriedly running through the crowd of villains who all gave me a weird look but seemed to relatively ignore me, assuming they had been told due to my chat with Shigaraki earlier.

No one's POV
his feet stumbled as he got closer memories from his  time with his family and friends flashing through his eyes, things that would be pointless to any outsider, useless facts and fragments of long forgotten memories but the visions almost made him break down right then and thair but the Determination in his soul made his feet keep moving.

It was a strange feeling he felt powerful in a new way, he imagined this was how frisk felt, when they reset, again and again. He never remembered having this feeling, though now that he did he thought about it he doesn't think he can live without it. It made him feel whole in a way, surrounding himself with people, or hurting himself could never live up to this feeling...

he dropped, knees colliding with the rough cement and hands going limp hanging slightly behind his back... something happened that, even as red saw it, no one could explain, less so in this world... an upside down heart appeared to be ripped from san's chest, floating on spot for a second before retreating back into his form...

it was a bright crimson color, the top looked like it had splattered with yellow and the same on the top but blue. Red ran. He bolted but releasing his error quickly teleported to sans side as he hit the ground, eyes sliding shut in a snap.

Red wrapped his arms around san's back and cradled him to his chest still trying to process the situation.

Aizawa POV

I swung down the stairs, my capture scarf floating behind my head. I am fully prepared to be a distraction as the students escape,

and that's exactly what I do until I hear 13 cry from behind me "Gaster!! What are you doing?! We have to evacuate!" gaster? Wh- SANS my head snaps around and i watch sans bolt down the stairs looking like he could burst into tears at any moment,

his face was red and his movements slightly sluggish. The destruction only caused the villains to land a few hits, but they were minor. What I was more worried about was Sans and his desperate attempt to get somewhere, my worry quickly got overshadowed by confusion as the villains seemed to almost completely ignore him,

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