the phone call Part 12

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Red pov:

It's been around a day and a half since i got here though i was asleep for a solid 30 percent of it. Not much has happened, I've rarely seen other people except for knockoff grillby,who might i add almost never leaves that bar, which might i add is so very on brand for someone like him,though my few interactions with Shigaraki were.. Fucken something.

 The first time i ran into him was right as i walked down from the room mist guy gave me and he was sitting at the bar, and as i normally do at vanilla's grillby's i sat down beside him ya know to be all friendly an shit, but that ass just stared at me for like 2 seconds and deemed me to young to get drinks, reached over the counter and handed me a damn apple juice! To be honest this body is like 16 but still! I'm mentally in my 30s, though i don't know what this body's alcohol tolerance is i should still find out, 

i mean i was still as drunk when i got here then i was in UF so it shouldn't have changed all that much. The nerve of that guy. I being the douche that i am picked up the box stuck the straw in and squeezed the bitch in his face, he needs it anyway with that crusty ass skin, he of course flinched back an screamed " WHAT THE FUCK!!''

I just smirked at his back as he stomped off. The second time we ran into each other was a bit more pleasant when we discovered we shared the love of playing bad video games while drinking 7 dollar booze, which might I add is one of the reasons vanilla and I like each other so much... I wonder if he's here... I hope he's ok.. I miss him.. I feel almost transparent red tears prick to the corners of my eyes angerley wiping them away cursing myself for being weak and letting it get to me,

 i swirled the cup of whisky that i snuck in my room around the glass and took another sip, feeling the cold liquid burn down the throat, that i'm not comfortable with yet, sent a buzz up my spine, and even though it like 1:30 my body decided it wanted sleep and fell into a dreamless sleep... I opened my eyes to the pitch blackness of the void my human form floated endlessly in the darkness. 

My surroundings hadn't changed for a good few minutes before I saw a tan figure floating through the endless darkness. His almost white hair was tinted blue and the jaket that fung from his frame was all too familiar. "SANS!" the floating figure turned its head up and his eyes blew wide "...Red?" 

there were the beginnings of glowing blue tears at the corners of his eyes as he looked over at me. Out of nowhere the world around me filled with kaleidoscopic lights and random sounds. Then white. No sound, no noise, nothing. Then my eyes fluttered open to the dull light of my borrowed room. ...what the fuck? I clicked my stats to check if i'm hallucinating or sum, nothing much has changed but one part catches my eye and makes them bulge.


LV 9

HP 80/80

AT: 18 EXP:112

DF: 30




*one you know is near

... does that mean vanilla is here in his world as well. And close by. Ya think he scored at that prestigious school the MC goes to? The L.O.V. attacks that school near the beginning right? So i'll meet him soon! Though I doubt we'll stay together long, I'll still be a 'villain' and I'm pretty damn sure he's at that school.. We could have a dabi-halks style relationship, 

ehh we'll figure it out when it comes to that...THE NUMBER!! I frantically searched through my pocket for the slip of paper that i haphazardly shoved in my storage when i found it. HERE! I un-crumpled the scrap of paper, pulled out my phone and dialed up the number held it to my ear and waited "y'ellow?" "SANS!" okokokokok he's definitely here "...Red?" score! "Yes! Yes, its me." i tried to calm my voice down but his reaction from the other end overdid his excitement by 10 fold "HOLY SHIT!, YOU'RE HERE TO!!!" 

i almost chuckled "yeah i'm with the LOV." there was silence from the other end "dumbass..." a few more seconds of silence and we both started laughing our asses off "m-my god" i wheezed through my laughing. After a while we calmed down enough to have a normal conversation, a normal conversation pursued "so how are you" 

the mundane question was out of place but appreciated "to be honest, i got here like yesterday so i haven't really found this worlds dark sides yet, so no reason to be sad, you?" he snickered "not too good bae, but lets be honest i never was, of an I've been here for almost 2 months" 

i loved how we could be completely honest with each other it built a trust that nothing could beak, if one of us lied to the other, it would be for a good reason, an we made a rule that we can get hella mad is its not. I heard a loud bag and curssing form the room over "shit, sorry gotta go, call later?" the line hesitated "yeah call later... love you" "love you too, see ya" and i disconnected

Iida pov:

Sans had fallen asleep a few minutes ago when his phone started ringing. I thought he left his phone in his locker? Isn't that why he got up earlier to ask the teacher if he could get it.but i plucked it out of his pocket and shook him awake "w'huh" he made a noise and i internally snickered (like tsukishima lol) 

"you're phones ringing" he nodded and grabbed it clicking the accept button "y'ellow" "S!!S" i heard a yell muffled be the phone "" Red? Like the color? Who would name their kid 'Red'? I kinda feel bad for them "y-s!!" " HOLY SHIT" 

some of the classes eyes looked over to us before going back to whatever conversation they were having when they saw he was on the phone "sans you could get in trouble if-" he cut me off with more yelling "YOU'RE HERE TOO!!" ...what???? More banter seamed to take place on the other end 

"dumb ass" "sans, you really need to stop swearing we'll-" my confusion grew as he started laughing along with whoever was on the other side eventually they died down "so, how are you" that was out of place but with the conversation becoming more normal i decided to quit listening in and focus more on the mock battles playing out on the large screen. Little time passed before the call came to a close with sans "love you" 

oh. Was it a family member? Significant other? It's not really my place to but in but curiosity took the better of me and words spilled out of my mouth ""so, who was that?" i eternally groaned at how overprotective that sounds "ehh, just a friend" the phone soon turned off by itself in his hand and sans drifted back into a dreamless sleep.

finality got this out :)

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