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Leaving the theater your team all walked out to a bullhead to get ready for a mission.

Yang: I wonder who were going to be following

After Yang says that she get's an answer.

Dr. Obbleck being the huntsman that there shadowing.

Obbleck: alright girls were approximately three minutes behind schedule so I suggest that you hurry up and get on board 

Ruby: looks like were saving the world with Dr. Obbleck

The four of you look at Ruby.

Ruby: ok that sounded a lot better in my head

Nora: your going to save the world without us

Team JNPR then walks up to the team from behind them.

Nora: your goin to save the world without us I'm sad, hurt even possible hungry that last one isn't your fault though Ren

Nora then glares at Ren who turns away and pouts as your team is confused about what happened.

Dr. Obbleck: four minutes lady's so hurry up 

Yang: well I think we best be going he

You all say goodbye to each other as the five of you get on the bullhead. You take a seat next to Blake and put some earbuds in and put a song on your scroll before going to sleep to conserve energy on the way there.

When I woke up I noticed we were in a ruined city with.

Y/N: Ruby why is Zwei in your backpack

Blake was on top of your head whilst you said that.

Blake: yes I would like to know as well

Ruby: it's not that bad

Blake: hiss

We all look at her even Dr. Obbleck.

Weiss: did you just hiss


Yang then rubs Blakes head who is still on top of you.

Blake: *purr*

Blake then leans into it causing you and her to fall onto Yang.

Y/N: oof hey you two ok

You look up only to be in Blake's Bellabooty whilst her face is in between Yang's breast.

Ruby: Eppp

Ruby quickly looked away as Weiss was confused on what to do.

Weiss: I     I       I        what

And Dr. Obbleck well he.

Dr. Obbleck: intresting formation I suppose but I don't think that it helps in our current location

The three of you blush as you quickly stand yourselves up and get ready.

Dr. Obbleck: alright everyone were currently at mt. Glem so st- Grim 

He cut's him self off confusing everyone.

Ruby: uh what

Dr. Obbleck: a creature of grim approximately 300 meters out

Ruby changes Crescent Rose into it's sniper configuration.

Ruby: let's kill it

Weiss: *only the trigger happy baka like you would think that straight away*

abused female Schnee reader x Blake Belladonna (RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now