Naruto removed his hand from the lake, saying, "Like it's incomplete. Something else should be there but it's not."

Kurama nodded his head in agreement, "Okay, that missing thing is your chakra. Once you unlock your chakra, that feeling will be gone. Now, get into the lake and unlock it!" he almost ordered Naruto.

Naruto thought for a moment about how to proceed with this. Deciding it, he jumped inside taking a deep breath.

He swam his hands forward in a sharp motion, pulling them back to go deeper. He kept swimming for what felt like an eternity. "How deep is this lake? How dense is my chakra?!" thoughts like these kept running through his head as he continued to go deeper. Strangely, he felt no need to breathe in this lake. "Must be because I'm swimming in my own mind", he deduced. Finally, he saw what appeared to be the bottom. His efforts to reach there hastened.

As soon as his hands touched the floor of the lake, he instinctively knew that his chakra was just beneath him. The floor of the lake was acting as a barrier between him and his chakra. He just needed a way to break the barrier so he could access his chakra.

He decided to dump logic for this situation and face his way like a brute. An idea that would probably not work, but worth trying. Considering that this was his body and mind, the barrier would only be strong enough so he could break it with enough effort.

He pulled his hand back, and punched the ground as hard as he could. He repeated this for nineteen times. On the twentieth time, a small crack appeared on the floor. Naruto noticed the crack and grinned in satisfaction. "About time you cracked", he thought. Redoubling his efforts, he saw that with every punch, the crack widened. At last, the crack was big enough that he knew it would break in one last punch.

Pulling back his fist, he brought it back down with all the force he could muster. As soon as his fist connected, the ground shattered from beneath him and he was assaulted by absolute euphoria. He felt complete now, the earlier feeling of something missing now completely gone.

But the force with which the chakra was released was so great that he forced out of the lake in just a few moments, contrary to the time he took reaching the bottom. The last thing he heard from Kurama before being forced out of his awake was, "Darn, I haven't felt chakra this dense and powerful since that tree hugger first hokage Hashirama Senju himself. But the midnight blue is quite unusual..."

Real World.

Anko was watching the blonde for almost twenty minutes now. "Just what is he hoping to accomplish?" she thought. She was getting impatient now.

Just as she was about to turn and leave, she felt it. It was impossible to ignore, given how powerful the presence was. She wheeled around, eyes wide, staring at Naruto. "He couldn't possibly be..."

Naruto's eyes opened a second before midnight blue chakra exploded from him. It was so dense and powerful that the ground around him cracked violently. Wind was blowing all around very fast by sheer force of his chakra.

Naruto lifted his hands in front of him, seeing the beautiful midnight blue color of his chakra flowing from his body. It almost seemed to be sparkling. The feeling was so exhilarating that he almost missed Kurama's voice, "NARUTO! YOU ARE LETTING OUT TOO MUCH CHAKRA! STOP RIGHT NOW!"

Naruto, fortunately, noticed the urgency in Kurama's voice and immediately thought about reigning it in. To his surprise, the chakra stopped exploding from him almost instantly. Unfortunately, he had already expelled too much of it. The sudden coming down from a high like that caused him to fall unconscious on his back.

Anko, who had watched the whole spectacle, was looking at Naruto with eyes wide as dinner plates. "Was that the nine tails chakra that exploded from him? No, the nine tails chakra is orange. The chakra that exploded from him was blue. An unusual, darker shade, but blue nonetheless, which means that the chakra was his!" she thought incredulously.

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