ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖

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¨Cant you see that im doing everything i can in order to save you from your death!?"

He pushed me against the brick wall while trying to choke me, his eyes went from bloody red to pitch black in rage. I felt myself start to fade from reality, the blood was now rushing to my head from his tight grip as my breaths slowly decreased with time. I felt my eyes getting heavy and i felt my heart pounding in my chest as well as the sound of each heart beat i would make. I then made a hard effort to get the words out of my mouth before it was too late ¨Why do you even care? Im nothing to you. All i am to you is a mire weak human, just let me seal my fate!¨ His facial  expression soften at the words that came out of my mouth ... After seconds of nearly choking me to death he let me fall to the floor while i was gasping for air. I was able to feel a bruise form in my neck from the pressure he put on it when he choked me ... this man was capable of snapping my neck in half and yet im still drawn to him. Like a prey just walking in to the trap of its predator knowing well its fate. 

He then sat down next to me while i was recovering from our previous incident , he then sat me back with my back against the brick wall while he took my small warm hand into his ice cold ones while while gently playing with my fingers. He then let out a heavy sigh as i was looking down at the floor wondering what i did to deserve this misery ¨I dont know how you do it little one." i then looked up at him meeting his gaze that i felt burning ¨Hm?¨ i questioned at what he meaned by that ¨You always seem to manage to bring out the worst in me. Im truly sorry for my behavior dearest one, it was never my intention to make you feel as i was toying with you. I needed to get away from you ... I needed to bring my thoughts together. You have made me feel things i thought id never feel ... you brought back some feelings in me that for centuries i thought were long gone ... feelings that id never think would relive when my wife betrayed me years back.¨ I felt true pity for this man, he had been cheated on before and was now afraid to get attached to me ... this man could never show his soft side to the world ... he felt as if he needed to be feared. In that we both had that in common ... its better to be feared than to be looked down upon. 

¨Im sorry too ... i did not mean to push you over the bridge Master." I apologized while looking away not dareing to meet his gaze in fear that he would see my weak spot, i did not want him to see me so vunerable in such short amount of time ive been here ... maybe caius was right ... what if i do not belong here with them? what if im not cut out to be a vampire? what if im just not good enough for him ... for anybody. I couldnt stand the thought of always being less than anyone ... ive been the second favorite all my life and i would even be lucky if someone showed me true intrest or love in me. 

I then hear him let out a heavy sigh, all of a sudden i see the sunlight coming through a window and his skin began to sparkle. He was beautiful. His cold skin shimmered in the sunlight and his bloody red eyes were yet so shinning that they looked like they were rubyś. ¨No my dear, it should be me who needs to apologize. I shouldnt have let things get out of hand back there, After all you are my guest."he chuckled as his fingers gently trailed down from my cheek stopping by my warm throat. For a very ancient vampire he sure does have a very powerful blood control im sure that edward would have drained me if he were to do the same to me or bella. Edward was truly no match to Aro ¨Ẃhat was bella thinking when she chose Edward¨ i thought to myself. 

¨Come now my dear, We should discuss this in a more appropriate matter.¨"He helped me get back up to my feet and we started walking towards his office Once again. His cold arm at my back gently gliding mw through the hall as we reached our destination. I often felt his gaze burning on me but id never look up to meet his gaze, my mind was drifting once again in the deep thoughts of what i had said back there. Do i reallly wanna do all of that? or was i just looking forward to press aroś buttons? i did not know. One thing i did know for sure is that he did not take my statements back there lightly ... he will want to discuss this matter with me which is probably the reason to this trip to his office. 

                                                                                            THIRD PERSON POV

What Michelle and Aro did not know is that in the shadows there was a slender shadow creeping upon them. The shadow watched them both carefully as they entered Aro's office. The shadow scrambeled across the room sliding elegantly giving them a malecious smirk as it left the castle.

Author's Note: HEY GUY'S, i know i have been gone for too long. I wanna say i have not forgotten about this story at all. Many users left messages wondering about the fate of this bool and im here to tell you all that this book will CONTINUE on and have a possible sequel. Thank you all for the votes and views i appreciate this allot. You guy's have also found out recently that Yes i am in a relationship at the moment and he is just my small but perfect piece of forever. You guy's have also been trying to get me to reveal my identity but im still unsure of that. Leave a comment down below if you want a face reveal! Have a wonderful Day/Night/ Morning/ evening and stay Romanceing! Your lovely book author Romance-tea-cup ❤🍵

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